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Chapter 29

Saturday, 12:00 pm

In the bunker

Danny's POV

We have to spend the first two weeks of Summer grounded, all because we didn't wanna be at school yesterday. I don't see the big deal with just leaving school and going somewhere better. But apparently, a big deal is definitely there.

Danny: I just don't see the big issue. It was the last day, and you wouldn't have even found out, if that teacher hadn't called you. And she wouldn't have called you, if Emily didn't get smart with her. Had that not happened, she probably wouldn't have even noticed that we didn't go back to her class.

Dad: Kid, the big issue is that you left school, to go do whatever you wanted, around town. You left school, after I told you that you had to stay, to go fuck around somewhere else.

We were not "fucking around". We were simply not doing what we were supposed to be doing. I don't see the problem. I do things that I'm not supposed to be doing, all the time. And Dad never has that big of an issue with it. Like yeah, he's never HAPPY that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. But he's never made this big of a deal out of it.

Danny: I don't see why we had to be at school on the last day, anyway. You still haven't given me the answer to that yet.

Dad: I did give you that answer. You don't remember, because you weren't paying attention when I was talking to you. You had to go because you had been failing for most of the year, and you needed whatever points were gonna be given that day.

Danny: They don't give points on the last day. Points for what? Showing up?

Dad: Don't get smart with me.

Danny: I think I will get smart with you, because we didn't technically do anything wrong. So why are we grounded for two weeks? It's ridiculous.

Dad: What's ridiculous is your attitude right now. Drop it, or I'm gonna spank you and add another week to your grounding. He says while getting really close to me.

Danny: I won't drop my attitude, but I'll leave the room until you wanna be nice to me.

Dad: Go do something productive.

Danny: Absolutely not. I say while leaving the room and heading to the kitchen, where Uncle Sam's supposed to be doing the dishes.

I can't believe we have to keep that two week grounding, just for leaving campus. I JUST got ungrounded from a three month grounding. And now I'm already grounded again. Dad's getting really irritating with these groundings. Once to the kitchen, I find Uncle Sam, washing and drying the dishes. I decide to help him dry, because I'm NOT about to volunteer to wash dishes. Absolutely fucking not.

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