Sleep and sensory problems

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Chapter 33

Wednesday, 10:00 pm

In the bunker

Krissy's POV

I'm in my room, trying to sleep. The only thing keeping me awake is the weather. It's storming outside. It's been storming for hours, and it isn't supposed to stop until the morning. It's Summer, so it's not like I have to worry about school. But I'd still like to be able to fall asleep for more than 10 minutes. I'm only even trying to sleep right now, because I'm bored. I'd normally spend the night playing Minecraft or something. But we're still grounded, so I can't do that. What I can do is try my best to fall asleep in this fucking storm.

Krissy: At least the power hasn't gone out.

You know that moment when you say something, and then something stupid happens? Like just now. When I said that the power hadn't gone out? I was happy to at least have my fan on. The second I said it, the fucking power went out. Just my fucking luck.

Krissy: This is fucking ridiculous! I yell, out of frustration.

Dean: Language. He says from right outside my room.

Krissy: I'll watch my language when the power comes back on.

Dean: The power will be back on in a second. Sam just has to flip the breaker.

Krissy: Well he's sure taking his sweet ass time.

Dean: I just warned you about the swearing. He says as he gets to my room.

Krissy: And I just told you that I'll stop swearing when the fucking power comes back on.

Dean: Now you're just doing it to be rude. Cut it out, or I'm gonna spank you.

Krissy: You're not gonna spank me in the middle of the night.

He might, actually. He's spanked me right before school before. I don't see why he wouldn't spank me right before bed, too.

Dean: I wouldn't be so sure about that. He says while walking over to my bed.

Krissy: I just wanna fall asleep. I don't need a spanking.

Dean: I'm not gonna warn you again. Stop swearing.

Krissy: Fine. But I still can't sleep.

Dean: Why not?

Krissy: Because of the weather. The storm is too loud, and it's keeping me awake.

Dean: You could've just said that, in the beginning.

Krissy: I didn't know you were out there, in the beginning.

Dean: Well now you do, and I'm here to help. Do you want me to help you fall asleep?

I know he'll help me fall asleep, if I ask, but I don't really wanna ask. I don't like asking for any form of affection. I don't know why. I grew up in a pretty affectionate household. So I don't know why I don't like asking for affection. I just don't. It's just something that I don't like asking for. I'd actually rather ask you to stab me, before I ask you to help me, hold me, cuddle me, or kiss me.

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