Don't test me

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Chapter 9

Saturday, 11:00 am

In the bunker

Dean's POV

I just took in another kid. And no, you're not allowed to say anything about it. I'm an adult. I can make that decision. She needed a place to go, and I have room for her. So she's my child, now. She's a good kid. Really. She does her chores, so far, and she does her homework, so far, and she hasn't done anything bad, so far. But the one thing you wouldn't know about Emily, is that she's got a really bad attitude. This kid can be a real brat when she wants to be.

Dean: Kid, if you keep ignoring me-

Emily: I'm not ignoring you. I'm just not listening to what you're saying to me.

Dean: That's what "ignoring" means.

Emily: No. "ignoring" means that I'm not listening at all, and I'd be toning you out, to the point where I wouldn't hear you. Right now, I'm just not listening to you. I can still hear you.

Dean: I'm not playing this game. I don't play it with Danny or Krissy. I'm not playing it with you, either. You're either gonna do what I'm asking, or-

Emily: Or what? You gonna spank me?

Dean: Yeah, I will.

She doesn't say anything. She just laughs, like this is some kind of joke. But I'm not joking, at all. I'm gonna spank her, if she keeps up with this attitude.

Dean: What's so funny?

Emily: You're not gonna spank me.

Dean: You really think so?

Emily: I know so. You're not spanking me.

Dean: This is your last chance, Emily. Go do-

Emily: ThIs Is YoUr LaSt ChAnCe, EmIlY. She mocks me.

That was the last straw. I just wanted her to do the dishes, but she's choosing to be difficult. Well, I can be difficult, too.

Dean: Ok. Come on.

I grab her by the arm and start taking her to her room, where I'm gonna spank her for being disrespectful.

Emily: We going on a field trip?

Dean: Yeah. To your room, where you're getting spanked for your behavior.

Emily: You're not gonna spank me. You're just gonna say you will, and then chicken out, like my Mom always does.

Dean: Your Mom and me are two different people, Kid. She might not have wanted to spank you, but I will. Your behavior isn't gonna fly in this house.

Emily: You're not spanking me, Dean. She says as she tries to get out of my grip.

Dean: Yeah, I am.

After fighting, and failing, to get out of my grip, she's out of breathe, and we've arrived at her room. I take her inside and close the door. Then I take her over to her bed and sit down. Now she's standing in front of me, looking lost, like she doesn't know what to do with herself.

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