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Chapter 35

Two weeks later, Friday, 8:30 am

In the bunker

Krissy's POV

We're not grounded anymore, and I met this guy on Hinge. His name is Andrew, and he's really nice. He's 20 years old, and he works at our local Walmart. And no, the age gap is NOT up for discussion. It's only two years, and we're both adults. It's literally fine. My only problem is that he wants to meet, and I'm gonna have to tell Sam and Dean how exactly I met him. They don't know I'm on Hinge.

Dean: What are you doing up so early? He asks from the doorway of my room.

Krissy: I'm just texting my friend.

Dean: Your friend? A boy or a girl?

Krissy: I didn't know that mattered.

Dean: Of course it matters. I wanna know who you're talking to, whether they're men or women.

Krissy: It's just my friend, Andrew.

Dean: Andrew sounds like a guy.

Here we go. This is about to be a whole lecture on me talking to guys, without permission. I'm an adult. I don't see why I need any kind of permission to talk to guys. I should be able to talk to anybody that I damn well please.

Krissy: That's because he is.

Dean: I didn't know you were talking to any guys.

Krissy: I can talk to guys that aren't you and Sam, you know.

Dean: I know. I never said you couldn't. I just didn't know you were talking to anybody like that.

Krissy: Like what?

Dean: You know.

Krissy: Like dating?

Dean: Yeah, like dating.

Krissy: We're not dating, Dean. Not yet, anyway.

But I'm hoping that one day, we will be. I really like Andrew. He's nice, and he really understands me. I really want him to wanna date me.

Dean: Yet?

Krissy: We might be dating one day, but not today. We're still in the talking phase. And he wants to hang out, today.

Dean: So, hang out.

Really? Is he being serious, or is this some kind of test? Dean would never just allow me to hang out with a random person, man or woman, that he's never met.

Krissy: Really?

Dean: Yeah. Kriss, you're an adult. You can hang out with whoever you think is ok to hang out with. You can make that decision. I just don't want you going against Sam and I's rules. As long as you're not doing anything illegal with this boy, and you're back before 10:30 tonight, I'm cool with it.

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