I mean it, Daniel Dean

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Chapter 41

Wednesday, 2:30 pm

In the bunker

Danny's POV

I'm in my room, playing Animal Crossing. Don't judge me. It's cute. It's fun, until you knock a wasps nest out of a tree, and they catch you, and they attack you. But anyway, my Nintendo Switch is dying, so I'm gonna have to find something else to do. But both of my friends are grounded, and can't do anything fun with me, until they're ungrounded. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? Do something by myself? Um, no. Why would I do that, when I literally have friends to do stuff with me. But they can't right now. I wonder what my other friends are doing. I put my Nintendo Switch on it's charger, and get my phone from my nightstand. I'm gonna text one of my friends that isn't Krissy or Emily, to see what they're doing. Maybe they'll wanna hang out or do something.

Danny: Hey.👋

Axel: What's up?

Danny: I'm bored at home. You?

Axel: Same. You wanna do something? If you're free?

I thought I'd be the one to have to ask. But apparently, we both had the same idea. Doing something that's not staying at home all day.

Danny: What do you have in mind?

Axel: We can hang out in the mall and see if there are any hot girls there.

Danny: Dude, I have a girlfriend.

Axel: Well, we can go to the mall, and I'LL look for hot girls. What about that?

Danny: I don't see the problem there.

Axel: You wanna meet up, around 3:30?

Danny: Yeah. I'll see you there.

Axel: See you there.

I put my phone in my pocket, and leave my room, now looking for Dad. I know he's home. I just don't know where in the home he is. He's probably in the living room, or in the garage. I think he finished up in the garage already, so he's probably in the living room. Once to the living room, I find Dad, watching some show he found, and drinking a beer.

Danny: Dad?

Dad: Yeah?

Danny: Can you bring me to the mall?

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