I need a beer

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Chapter 15

The same day, 3:30 pm

In the bunker

Sam's POV

Dean has yet again left me alone with teenagers. He took Emily to go see her Mom, like 3 hours away from here. So he had a really good reason this time. But I'll get him back for this. For doing this to me twice. I'm in the school pick up line, waiting for Krissy to come out. School just let out. I think Krissy's last class is in the back of the school, so she's gonna take a minute to come out. But it's ok. I've got time. Once she gets to the car, she gets in and I can hear her sniffling.

Sam: You ok?

Krissy: Allergies.

Sam: I'll give you some medicine for that, when we get home.

Krissy: I don't need medicine, but ok.

I start driving us all home, and Krissy and Danny start talking about what happened earlier, with the fight.

Danny: It was crazy. Mr. Anderson tried to suspend me for defending myself.

Krissy: Really? You know he didn't even talk to Jared?

Danny: Are you serious? He didn't talk to Jared, at all? He told Dad he would.

Krissy: Well he lied to your Dad, then. Because he definitely did not talk to Jared. He was being an absolute menace all day.

Dean told me what happened with the Principal. He tried to suspend Danny, even though Danny didn't throw the first punch. Danny was only defending himself, after the other kid threw the first punch. One thing about Danny, he's not gonna sit there and let somebody hit him. And I'm proud of him for that. We taught him well, about defending himself.

Danny: I hate that guy. Both of them. Jared's an asshole, and Mr. Anderson doesn't know how to do his job.

Sam: Or maybe he's protecting that other kid from discipline. Maybe he doesn't wanna punish him for what he does.

I'm pretty sure that still fits in under "doesn't know how to do his job", though.

Danny: Point proven. He doesn't know how to do his job. If he did, Jared would've been expelled, a long time ago.

Krissy: He's done like, all of the things that could get somebody expelled. But nobody does anything to him, or punishes him for what he does. It's stupid.

Sam: I think something needs to be done about this kid. He sounds absolutely horrible.

Danny and Krissy: He is.

And if the Principal suspends Danny, for the fight, then the other kid's just gonna keep doing what he does. He's only gonna learn that he doesn't have to face any kind of consequences for what he does to people. Once home, we all go inside and Krissy starts heading to her room.

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