Mini golf

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Chapter 34

*Short Chapter*

Thursday, 1:04 pm

At some random mini golf course

Dean's POV

I decided to take the kids mini golfing, since they're all grounded and have nothing better to do. I thought it'd be a fun thing for them to do, and it'd get them out of the house for a little while.

Danny: But I've never been golfing before.

Emily: Me neither.

Krissy: I don't even know the first thing about golf.

Dean: That's what makes it fun. It's gonna be a learning experience for you guys, and it's something fun to do.

Emily: Not that I'm not grateful that you wanna spend time with us, but why golf, of all things?

Krissy: Yeah. Why golf?

Danny: Guys, come on. It's clearly because he's an old man. Old men love golf.

I try to do something nice for them, and my own son starts bullying me for liking golf. I think this'll be a fun experience for them. They like games. Kids like games. Golf is like a game. You hit a ball with a stick to try and get it in a hole. That doesn't sound like a game to you? It sounds fun to me. I don't see the issue the kids are having here.

Dean: I'm not old.

Danny: You are.

Dean: I'm 40. That's not that old.

40 is actually not that old. I don't know why so many people think that anything over 30 is old. I'm 40 years YOUNG and proud.

Danny: "that" old tells me that you're admitting to being kinda old, Old Man.

Dean: I'm gonna hit you with a golf club. I say, kinda under my breath.

Danny: What?

Dean: What?

Once to the golfing area, I start trying my best to teach three teenagers how to play mini golf. They're actually catching on pretty quickly. And from the looks of it, they're all having fun.

Krissy: Claire would love this.

She did love this. I took her mini golfing one time. And if I remember correctly, it was her birthday. She had a great time. I even gave her a gun, but I had to make sure she didn't shoot me. She didn't really like me, then.

Dean: She did.

Danny: You took Claire mini golfing?

Dean: Yeah. It's kind of a long story. But she did have fun.

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