Life isn't fair, Emily

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Chapter 32

Tuesday, 4:30 pm

In the bunker

Emily's POV

I'm in the living room, arguing with Dean. I just want my phone back. I'm bored. I'd normally read if I'm this bored, but I've already read too many books to count on two hands. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of reading. I want my phone back, and my video games. I wanna do something that isn't reading, and I can't go outside, because it's fucking raining again. Why's it rain so much here?

Emily: I just want my phone back.

Dean: And you can have it back, in 5 days.

Emily: That's stupid. I want it back now. We've been good. That has to count for something.

Dean: You're supposed to be good, Kid. That's not gonna get you your phone back.

Emily: I don't understand why we're grounded anyway. Yeah, we snuck out of school. But it was the last day, so it really doesn't mean anything. You can't honestly tell me that you've never snuck out of school.

Dean: I snuck out of school, more times than I can count. But that doesn't make it ok for you guys to do it.

Emily: It should. You did it a lot, and that should make it ok for us to do it at least once. You're not being very fair.

Dean: Life isn't fair, Emily.

Emily: I just wanna be ungrounded. I hate this.

Dean: You're not being ungrounded, just because you don't like being grounded. You're not supposed to like it. It's supposed to be a punishment, and it's supposed to make you think about what you did that got you grounded in the first place.

I got grounded for having some fun, outside of school. That's literally all we did. We snuck out of school, because we wanted to have some fun on the last day. And we did. We had fun. Apart from the part where we got caught. That part wasn't very fun, at all. But we had fun sneaking out... Maybe that's not a good thing. But still, we had fun. So I don't see the big issue that Dean's having.

Emily: What if I do all of your household chores?

Dean: Then that'd be nice, but you wouldn't be ungrounded.

Emily: But why not?

Dean: Because what good would ungrounding you guys early do?

Emily: It would teach us how nice you are, when you really wanna be.

Dean: I'm nice to you guys all the time. You just think I'm mean right now, because you're grounded.

Emily: I think you're being mean right now, because I don't like being grounded. I get the point of being grounded, but I don't get the point of being grounded for this long. It's Summer. We're supposed to be having fun, like everybody else is. But no. You chose to ground us because you don't like the idea of us having fun. You're a fun hater.

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