That's where you're wrong

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Chapter 42

Thursday, 11:00 am

In the bunker

Emily's POV

I'm in my room, feeling like absolute shit. I'm pretty sure I'm sick. I don't know why, or who got me sick, but when I find out, they're gonna pay. I'm current in my bed, trying not to couch up a lung. This shit sucks. As you can probably imagine, I'm NOT happy right now. I could be doing something very impressive right now, instead of laying in my bed, being sick. Something important like eating a fat waffle. I like waffles.

Dean: Emily? He calls from down the hall Baby, you ok in here? He asks as he gets to my room.

Emily: Do I look ok?

I don't think I look ok, at all. But Dean might see differently than I do. I think I look sick, and like I don't feel good. But to Dean, I must look like I'm ready to run a marathon or something. That's the only reason he'd ask me something so stupid.

Dean: You look, and sound, sick. What's the matter?

Emily: I think somebody got me sick.

Danny has bad allergies this time of year. I think he got me sick from his allergies. But if it was Danny that got me sick, then I'm not that mad. It's Danny. I love him, and I'm not mad at him.

Dean: I already know that part, Sweetheart. I mean what's the matter, as in what's bothering you.

Emily: Being sick is bothering me.

Being sick is EXTREMELY bothersome. It's bothering me to the absolute fullest, right now.

Dean: Kid, I can't help, unless you cooperate with me. Tell me what's wrong, or we're not gonna get anywhere with this conversation.

Emily: Fine. I'm congested, my throat hurts, and I have a headache. Like, it hurts and I wanna cry.

Dean: Alright, Sweetheart. I'm gonna go get you some medicine, from the kitchen, and I'm gonna come right back. Ok?

Emily: Can I come with you?

Dean: No, Baby. You're gonna stay here, and you're gonna rest.

Emily: But I wanna come with you.

I don't even know why. I just feel the need to follow him. I wanna follow him go the kitchen and watch him make me something to eat. MAYBE even take that medicine, too.

Dean: But you need to rest. I won't be gone long.

Emily: But-

Dean: But nothing. You're staying in your room, and you're gonna get some rest. He says as he starts walking out the room.

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