Are you crazy?

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Chapter 39

Tuesday, 11:09 am

In the bunker

Danny's POV

I'm in my room, texting Krissy, who's in her own room. We just don't feel like leaving our rooms to talk to each other.

Danny: Are you crazy?

Krissy: All I'm saying is, a party isn't a bad idea.🤷🏻‍♀️

Danny: And all I'M saying is, a party is a VERY bad idea.🙄 Do you not remember what happened last time?🤨

Krissy: Last time doesn't matter. This is about right now. Don't think about what happened in the past. That's the past.

Danny: I think it's important to think about what happened in the past. Especially considering it wasn't even a year ago.

Krissy: Look, I just wanna go to the party, have a good time, and come back like nothing happened. Is that too much to ask?😔

This party isn't one that she's throwing. It's a party that her friend's throwing, in Mississippi. I don't have a problem with going to a party. It's just that we're in Kansas, a few states away from Mississippi. I'm not going to a party out of state. I enjoy being alive.

Danny: But the consequences of going out of state for a party could be deadly.😐

Krissy: Dean wouldn't kill us. He'd just punish us.🙄

Danny: You say that like you wanna get punished.😟 If you wanna go to that party, you're gonna be doing by yourself. Because I want absolutely no party in the aftermath.

Krissy: Suit yourself. I guess I'll just invite Emily.

Danny: She won't wanna go, either. She'd definitely rather keep her life, than go to an out of state party.

Krissy: How do you know that?

Danny: Because I know her. She won't wanna risk getting in that much trouble.

Krissy: How do you know, though?

Emily: Yeah. How do you know?🤨

Danny: Emily?

Emily: You guys have been texting the group chat, this whole time. I'm trying to sleep.😑

Danny: Sorry.😞

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