Taking responsibility

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Chapter 19

The same day, 10:14 pm

In the bunker

Danny's POV

We just got home, and I'm trying to make things easier for Krissy and Emily. It wasn't their idea to sneak out. It was mine. So to be fair, I think I'm the only one who should be punished for what we did. Yeah, Emily and Krissy came with me. But it was only because I asked them to. They didn't just randomly decide to sneak out. They only did it, because I was doing it. So it's not fair for them to be punished with me.

Dad: That doesn't matter. You all snuck out, so you're all getting bare spankings. I don't care who's idea it was.

Danny: But that isn't fair for them. Dad, it was my idea. I asked them to come with me. If I hadn't asked them to come, they wouldn't have. Why would they be in trouble for my idea?

Uncle Sam: It might've been your idea, but you all went along with it. So you're all in trouble for it.

Danny: But when you really think about it, I should be the only one in any kind of trouble. I snuck out, and I made the decision to take them with me.

I didn't think it'd be this hard to convince them to only punish me. I thought they'd just go along with it. I was fucking wrong, and they just keep arguing with me. Just punish me so we can all move on. Damn.

Dad: You wanna take the punishment of three people? Because that's what I'm hearing.

Danny: I just don't want them to be in trouble for my decision. It's not fair.

I decided to do this, in the car. Krissy and Emily started panicking because they didn't wanna get spanked. I realized that I don't want them to get spanked, either. Especially since this wasn't their idea. Either of them.

Dad: Then you're taking the grounding of three people, and the spanking of three people. So you're grounded for 3 months, and you're getting spanked bare, with my belt.

Danny: Three months seems a little-

Uncle Sam: You wanted to take the entire blame, so this is what that's like. It's not too late to turn back and change your mind.

Krissy and Emily: Yes, it is. They say right before they both start running out of the room.

I guess they're taking the chance to not be in trouble, while they have it. Shit, I know I would. But somebody's gotta take the blame for tonight, and I'd rather it just be me, than have all of us be in trouble for what I chose to do. This is me owning up to my own bad decisions. Watch closely, because it may never happen again. The next time I'm doing this, somebody better be fucking dying.

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