29. Jeju

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Everybody decided to go to Jeju. The members and babies would stay at a pension they were used to, and the anniversary couple would go to a private oceanfront villa.

The first night, as they unpacked, Teresa said “I can't wait to get to bed with you.” Chris smiled, “Yeah, let's take a quick shower and get to it!” They both giggled excitedly. After taking a shower together full of hugs and kisses, they got to the bed, cuddled… and fell asleep. Both slept the whole night, wrapped in each other's arms sometimes, then others facing away from each other, then Chris would place his leg over Teresa, and Teresa would do the same to him.

They woke up at ten the next morning. When Chris opened his eyes, an adoring Teresa was staring at him. “Good morning, sir!”

“Good morning, gorgeous!” He checked the time. “We slept over twelve hours?” He was so surprised.

“We did. Isn't that sexy?”

“Very! But not as sexy as you!” He showered her with kisses all over her neck when a text message came through his phone. It was Felix.

“Good morning Hyung. All is well. Babies played yesterday with all of us and fell asleep at 7 pm. They ate well and slept well. These must be the best babies in the history of babies. We're now doing a mini photo shoot (Hyunjin's idea). Here are two teaser images (Jeongin's in charge of wardrobe). Enjoy your time together! Love you!”


Chris replied.

“Please say thank you to everyone. I feel so blessed that my children have you as uncles. Those pictures are so cute! I can't wait to see the rest. Thanks, Felix!!! Love you, too!”

“Teresa, look.” He joined her in the bathroom, where she had just finished brushing her teeth, and gave her his phone so she could read the text, while he brushed his teeth and washed his face.

“Dios mío pero qué alcahuetes* son! They will spoil them rotten. How cute! I love these uncles! I feel so at ease knowing they're in such good hands.”

“Me too!”

She began typing on Chris’ phone.

“Hi, Felix. This is Teresa. Tell everyone I love them and how good a job I think everyone is doing. I feel so at ease knowing you're the ones caring for the babies! Thank you!”

Felix replied:

“🩷 We love you too, Teresa! Thank you! We love these babies. Have fun!”

“Felix says that we should have fun. There is one place I've always been curious about here.”

“What's that?”

“Geongang-gwa seong bagmulgwan” (건강과 성 박물관)

“The Museum of Sex and Health?” He asked surprised.

“Yes! They collect artifacts from all over the world and from different periods of history. It'll be so interesting to see how different cultures depict sex.”

“Yes, that does sound interesting. Okay.”

“Yay, it's open already. Let's go. I'm so excited!”

“Mmm… but wait…” He came closer to her.


“I can't possibly go to a sex museum in my current state. I won't make it.” He kissed her and hugged her tightly, caressing her back and squeezing her butt.

“Oooh! Mr. Bang! I think you're right. It's a bad idea to go right now. One simply does not go grocery shopping while hungry.” She giggled as he began speckling her with kisses on her lips and neck, slowly moving them both towards the bedroom.

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