23. Muckraking pt.2

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As part of previous promotions, Chris had been invited to a variety show called My Music Morning. In that show, various celebrities interact with each other listening to music, watching TV show and movie clips, and answering trivia questions. They get randomly paired up with a celebrity, and they compete as teams.

Chris had gotten paired with an up-and-coming actress who had been in a few dramas in supporting roles, but never the leading lady. She, of course, went on that show to promote her latest drama and gain more recognition.

Her company had booked her on the show knowing Bang Chan would appear, but getting paired with THE Bang Chan of Stray Kids was a stroke of luck for her. This meant millions of views for her.

After the show, the cast had lunch together and interacted casually. Due to the overwhelming response of that first interaction, the pair had also been chosen to be in a few commercial spots and photoshoots due to their chemistry on the show, and her company released a behind-the-scenes video of the shoots.

Due to the editing of the video and their interactions, people began shipping them together and the hashtag #teamChanGem was born. Soon, tabloid after tabloid began writing about a possible dating rumor, and people began making edits and posting pictures of them together.

All the tabloid articles came from the same source. Gema's company's CEO, an old classmate of JYPE's CEO, decided a scandal was the best way to promote her, and who better than the man she'd interacted with the most recently.

On the other side, JYPE had been encouraging Bang Chan to date to beat the gay rumors, and seeing that Bang Chan had never had a dating rumor, and he was already twenty six years old, they also decided this was a perfect time for a dating scandal. Gema was beautiful and only a few years younger than he was. It was perfect.

Just like an arranged marriage between two families, the two CEOs decided to go public with this dating rumor and confirm it. They just forgot to run it by Bang Chan first. Gema on the other hand, had been a Stay for years and had a crush on the leader, so this was also perfect for her. 

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