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"Doha, let me have a word with you before you leave with Ms. Figueroa."

"Certainly, sir. Excuse me, Ms. I'll be right back." 

"Of course. Take your time."

"Doha, please let her know that whatever she needs, we will provide, and whatever she doesn't like, we will change. Okay? I have the feeling she will be a very important person in the Stray Kids story, and I want her to be completely happy and at ease here."

"Yes, sir. Understood." 

"Thank you. She was right, you know?"


"You do work hard, and I appreciate it. I see you, too! When you're finished showing her around, please take the evening and tomorrow morning off. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. I'll go pick up Ms. Figueroa and bring her to meet the kids myself. Go hang out with your wife. 

"I am proud to have you on our team, Doha. I'm a little jealous, though. You have such a beautiful family. What has been your secret?"

Doha's face filled with pride. 

"Thank you, sir! Our secret? No games. No pride. No secrets. We love each other as we are, and don't try to change each other, because we like who we are, flaws and all."

"That's good advice. So, basically, I need to marry one of the kids. Hahaha!"

"You say that as a joke, but yes. That's the idea. Marry your friend." Doha smiled brightly, seeing Chan's gears turning. "You will find the one. I promise. You're a very good man, sir. He or she will arrive when you least expect it. Just have your heart open to it, and don't rush or force it."

"Thank you, Doha. I appreciate you. Go help Ms. Figueroa, and take that lovely wife of yours on a date. I bet she misses you."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir! Have a great day."

"You, too Doha. Bye!"

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