19. Adaptation

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She was clearly caught off guard by the question, so he expanded.

"Do you want to start now or do you need a little bit more time? I'm going to speak without a filter, since we're going for non-judgement, yeah?"

She nodded in agreement.

"To be honest, I've wanted to fuck you from the first day I saw you in my office. It's the first time I've wanted someone like that. If I could have, I'd have taken you right there and then on my desk, but then, I fell in love with you, and well, then we... you were there, I messed up... your hesitance, your boundaries... I needed to respect that.

You drove me crazy. I have acted unlike myself from day one. The boys know that. I realized today am more in love with you than I originally thought. So I can wait as long as you need me to and will march to the rhythm of your drum. You have me wrapped around your finger, please know that!"

She listened carefully to his words. She couldn't believe what this man was confessing so sincerely. He was transparent. How could she have ever doubted him? She wondered.

"Now that you have told me the source of your restraint, when it comes to sex, I want you even more. I want to make you forget where you are, so you can focus only on your pleasure. I am more than ready to make everything shake and rock your world."

She was speechless.

"Apart from safe words, let's add colors and actions to our safe language: green for go and red for stop, also, two taps for stop. If at any moment you want me to stop, use any of those, and I will immediately cease what I'm doing. So far, so good?"

"Yes. Green, red, and two taps." She scrunched her nose and covered her face with her hand."

"You're so cute when you're blushing!" He kissed her cheek. "Don't be embarrassed. This is good. You're doing good.

"There's one more thing we need to talk about."

"Okay?" She wondered what he meant.

"Our words during sex matter. Some like degrading language, others like praise, and there are those who like a mix of both. I've never been a submissive..." He giggled, scratching his head, "... but with you it seems I am leaning toward praise. Words like good boy and sweet boy, but I like things a bit rough so bad boy, naughty boy, some spanking and mild choking are turn ons, too."

"I see. Noted."

"I don't know what I would like with you in control. I guess you could try whatever comes to you and I'll let you know? I'm not sure about choking. I think that's red for me."

"I don't know that I could put my hands on your neck, to be honest, something about a man's hands on a woman's neck that is icky to me, so I'm more than good with that. I heard you talk about slut-shaming... would you be open to using that as an empowerment term rather than a degrading one? It just occurred to me that maybe using the term could free you from the shame of it?"

She thought about it. "So..." She pinched her lower lip between her thumb and her index finger. "...like being a slut for you?" She giggled and bit her thumb. "I don't know, try it."

"Right now?"

"Yeah... like... how would you talk dirty to me, how would you do this? Give me a teaser!" She bit her lip.

"You're a little too excited about this!" He giggled. "All of a sudden? Like that? No pressure, Chris. You can do it!" He thought about it a little. "Okay... Here I go."

She nodded.

He shook his body, and took a few jumps, like he was about to start boxing. She giggled but stopped as soon as she noticed his face completely change from cute to fierce. His voice changed too. Looking at her seriously, he said strongly, but without yelling, "Stand up!"

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