24. Covenant

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"What do you mean they confirmed it?" Chris' face was red with anger. 

Lee Know's face and voice dropped. "Press on the second link I sent you titled 'JYPE statement'. It's... I still can't believe they did that."

Chris read the statement out loud.

"Notice regarding Stray Kids Leader Bang Chan"

Hello, this is JYP Entertainment

We would like to make an announcement regarding Stray Kids member Bang Chan and the dating rumors surrounding him and actress GEMA. 

The two met a few months ago on the set of the show Saturday Morning and began interacting as colleagues. As you may recall, they appeared together in several commercial videos and in print ads for a popular vitamin supplement. 

Due to those interactions they established a friendship that quickly evolved into a romantic relationship. We would like to ask for Stay's and Gem's understanding and support for this new couple, as their love develops. Please respect their privacy and allow their love to grow naturally. 

We at JYPE support Bang Chan in this relationship and wish him and Gema all the happiness. 

Thank you."

Privacy??? Respect? What the fuck? What respect? Who decided this? Whatever happened to being genuine and never lying? PDnim would never! 

Changbin and I have been trying to get ahold of Division One all morning, to no avail. We'll neet to go over there and sort this out. 

After a long meeting with admins, it was decided that as part of his contract, Chris had to abide by the marketing strategies the company decided on, so he needed to pretend to date Gema for a few months until they could part ways amicably. 

"We can appreciate your anger, but this is temporary and we will schedule your meetings. You'll break up soon, and everyone will forget. This will open up everyone's opportunity to date openly, which you said you wanted anyways, " the CEO said.

"I did... I do want to openly date, but not like this! Please! There's someone I'm in love with already, but they're not a celebrity. I just... I just proposed to her and she said yes!"

Lee Know and Changbin's eyes widened. "You what!?" 

The CEO chuckled. "Well, you better settle it with them because this is already out in the press, and we will see it to the end." The executive emphasized. I hope she's strong.

At that moment a secretary knocked and interrupted the meeting. "I'm sorry sir but Ms. Figueroa insists on talking to you."

"Where is he?"

"Ma'am, you can't just walk in there" another secretary was heard saying. 

"Watch me! You sure you want to stop me? You look like you weigh one hundred pounds wet. Get out of my way."

"Let her in!" The CEO said. 

She storms into the male dominated room and slams the door shut. 

"Hi Ms. Teacher!" Lee Know waved 

"Hi sugar!" 

She finds theCEOs's eyes and points at him. "You! You are not the man I thought you were during my pre interview. How dare you do this to these men?"

"Teresa, what are you doing here? 

"I couldn't just sit and say nothing. You all came here to talk to him. I wanted to put in my two cents in."

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