She steps aside to let Seb and Melissa in, praying Seb won't wake the kids up.
Melissa drops him on the couch and looks for a blanket to cover Seb up a bit.
Stevie grabs one from the closet in her bedroom, but before she puts it over Seb her eye is again drawn to his equipment.

She is shocked by the size of it. She has never seen one that big, it's probably twice the size of Mitch his cock.

"Oh my god are they supposed to be that big?" She gasps. Melissa looks at her confused.
"He is above average for as far as I can see, but how small was your ex's dick if you are this shocked?"

Stevie's face turns red and she quickly covers Seb up with the blanket.
Luckily the couch is comfortable enough so he can lay down. After putting a pillow under his head he starts snoring.

"Well? How small was it?" Melissa asks again.
"About this big." Stevie holds her hand up, holding her thumb and index finger apart about four inches.
"That's it?! Oh girl you need some proper cock. I could take that in my nostril."

Stevie snorts when she tries not to burst into laughter.
"I thought that was normal."
"Wel for some men I'm sure. Was he Asian?"
Stevie giggles.
"No, do Cole and Zara look Asian to you?"

Melissa starts to giggle as well.
"Oh you poor thing. Look size shouldn't matter if the man knows what he is doing with it. Did Mitch at least make you orgasm?"

Somehow they are talking about Stevie's sex life now. On the background they hear the soft snoring of Seb who has no idea these two women have been admiring his manhood.

"I don't think Mitch did, no. He was a selfish prick. I realize that now. He was my first and so far, the only one as well."
Melissa looks at her new friend with sympathy in her eyes.

"Well I know one man who would love to show you how it's supposed to be."
Stevie's raises her eyebrow questioning.
"You don't know Daniel has the hots for you?" Melissa states.
"Oh no he hasn't. We are just friends."
Deep inside Stevie kind of hopes Melissa is right, she would be so lucky if Daniel actually likes her like that, but then again she also knows that if he does, she won't be able to give him what he wants.

"Friends my ass. That man is waiting for a chance with you. And I know for a fact that you like him as well. Why not be friends with benefits at least? Although I would totally date him if I were you. I bet he is an amazing lover."
Melissa is liking this way too much. Hearing her friend tell her that she had never had an orgasm with her ex was pretty shocking. They were together for five years and have two children. So he definitely came. He should have made an effort to get Stevie there as well.

"I can't. He will be horrified to see me naked, trust me."
Stevie fills a glass with water and gets some aspirine out of the bathroom. She puts it on the table next to Seb to take when he wakes up. He will need them for sure.

"Girl look at yourself. You are fucking gorgeous. I don't see anything wrong with your body either." Melissa looks at Stevie and can't for the world guess what Daniel wouldn't like about her.

"She's right! You're hot!" Suddenly Sebs voice sounds from the couch, soon followed by more snoring.
"Oh my god I really hope he won't remember this tomorrow." Melissa snorts.
Both women put their hands over their mouth to muffle their laughter.

"I have to find him something to wear. If Cole wakes up in the morning and I have Seb here naked....." Stevie doesn't want to think about that.

There's just nothing in this mobile home Seb could wear. He won't fit in her panties, she doesn't have any male clothes either.
How can she make sure Seb is somewhat decent when the kids wake up tomorrow.

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