A Dress, A Date, A Dream.

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"Oh," Kayce leaned back and looked too relaxed. "And I get to take it off you tonight."

"You're not helping," Oakley shook her head at him but her smile was bold and bright on her face.

Kayce looked so relaxed as he stared back at Oakley. No lines on his face, a smile on his lips. He was making Oakley's heart beat fast.

"Wanna do a quickie in the bathroom?" Kayce asked.

"Oh my God, Kayce!" Oakley laughed out loud. "Keep it in your pants, Dutton."

"Just offering," Kayce shrugged but winked at Oakley.

Oakley rolled her eyes, leaning her arms on the table.

"One more week," Oakley said. "Then it's summer."

"You love summer," Kayce smiled.

"I do," Oakley nodded. "I'm excited to spend time with the kids up at camp and just be...I feel like every single one of us deserves that. Hopefully, Jamie and James can come up some?"

"They never come," Kayce shook his head.

"Maybe they'll want an escape this time?" Oakley shrugged. "Jamie came when we were young."

"Jamie came because he got to see you in a bikini," Kayce made a face as he sipped his beer.

"Thought that's why you invited me up there?" Oakley raised her eyebrow at Kayce.

"I didn't need to go to camp to see you halfway naked," Kayce smirked.

Oakley reached for her glass and took another sip. Setting the glass back down she licked her lips.

"You kissed me the first time up at camp," Oakley said.

"Did a lot of firsts up at camp," Kayce nodded.

"Yeah," Oakley smiled. "I liked sneaking into your tent at night and listening to the wolves howl...back when wolves were our biggest problem."

Kayce looked back at Oakley now.

"Now there's...everything around us," Oakley took a deep breath. "Wish it was only wolves."

Their burgers and fries were placed in front of them.  Oakley saw Kayce's hand come in near her plate though, flipped upward. She smiled, placing her hand in his and looking up.

"No wolves," Kayce shook his head. "I promise."

Oakley squeezed his hand and they started to eat.


Oakley stepped under Kayce's arm and held onto his waist. Her fingers dipped into the back pocket of his jeans as they walked slowly out of the restaurant. They walked down the main street, the small town alive for Friday night. Kayce waved to a few folks he knew as they made their way down the sidewalk.

Oakley stopped once they came to a bar. There was music she could hear from the inside and looked up at Kayce.

"Come on," Oakley smiled.

"I ain't dancing," Kayce said as he let Oakley lead him inside.

They went up to the bar and ordered two beers. Oakley pushed her coat off and turned to face Kayce who was standing next to her. Some guy was strumming his guitar up on stage and a crowd was saying on the dance floor. Oakley smiled as she watched a couple almost trip from staring at each other as they danced.

"You sure you don't wanna dance?" Oakley asked.

"Why do you wanna dance?" Kayce took a swing of his beer.

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