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She could, so she did.

Blyana pov…

I rushed into the house, looking around. “Mum?!” I shouted, trying to get anyone’s attention. As I walk up the stairs, I see her and Tobias coming out of his room.

Wait a damn minute.

“Blyana, do you know what time it is?” she said, looking at me with annoyance. “Did you two sleep together?” I asked, looking at both of them. Tobias just smiled while mum rolled her eyes.

That answers my question.

“Why are you here, Blyana? Is something wrong with Reira? Corbin?” I shook my head. “I need to talk to you in private.” I said and she sighed. “Is it that important?” Tobias raised an eyebrow. “Yes but it doesn't concern you so you don’t need to worry.” Mum grabbed my wrist and led me back down the stairs.

“Where is everyone?” I asked her. “Blaze, Nadine and Yana went back to their house last night. Elliot and Vincent are asleep, Davin and Shauni recently bought a house and moved in there last night. Brayson should be with Valencia, maybe at her parents house.”

I nodded at her explanation.

We sat down in the living room, “Now what made you leave your house in the middle of the night to come here?” she asked. “Did you sleep with Tobias?” I asked. I’m not trying to avoid the question, I’m just curious.

“No, now answer the question.”

“Shaye called.” her eyebrows furrowed. “She was crying and begging me to come find her. When I asked her where she was, she stopped speaking and whispered she was in spain.” I explained.

Mum looked confused but slightly worried.

“She was crying?” I nodded. “Why though?”

“Mykel.” she snapped her head towards me. “I think Mykel is abusing her.” her eyes widened. “Abuse? B-but doesn’t he love her? She was his first love.”

“Yes but remember, she remarried only after like 5 months of his death. Yes, she thought he was dead but she did betray him.” I shrugged, leaning back in the chair.

“Okay, so what do we do now?” she asked.

“I say we go to Spain. Get Shaye and end Mykel. He is going to cause this family more hell if he continues to live. He already succeeded with Darren.” she stared at me then nodded. “I never knew the man anyway, I won’t feel a single remorse.” I smiled.

“When are you ready to go?” I asked her. “Whenever you're ready, I have nothing to do in this house and Tobias is pissing me off.” I chuckled and she looked at me. “He pisses you off but you two fuck in bed like your my age.” I felt a pinch on my thigh making me jerk it back quickly.

“Ow,” I rubbed my thigh and she glared at me. I smiled at her and her face softened. “You do love him, don’t you?” She looked away from me. “It’s okay to love him mum.” I held her hand. “Not after what he did to you and Brayson, especially you.” She looked at me with a small smile.

“He already apologised, though, twice. I think.”

“That doesn’t fix things. He made the situation worse by allowing his grown ass self to get manipulated.” she sighed. “It's okay now. Once Mykel is gone, everything will be fine.” I kissed her cheek and rested my head on her shoulder.

“I hope you're right.” I smiled.

“I’m always right.”

Time skip…

“Where were you last night?” I turned around and Corbin was holding Reira who was asleep. Today she’s finally 5 months old. “I went to go see mum, I had to discuss something important with her.” I took Reira from him and smiled at her.

I cooed at her while she giggled at me.

“What was so important that you left in the middle of the night?” Corbin sat down behind the kitchen counter. “It had to do with Shaye and Mykel.” my concentration was still on Rei who was grabbing my nose and giggling at me.

“What happened?” I looked at him. “Shaye called me crying saying she needed help. I asked where she was and she said Spain, cutting the call after.” I explained. “So what are you going to do?”

“Mum and I are going to Spain this evening.” his eyes widened. “This evening? Why this evening?” he asked, shocked. “We need to end this bullshit once and for all. He is the cause for all this mess and he’s now onto you.” I pointed at him.

“What happened to us doing this together, Blyana?” Corbin asked, annoyed. “If you keep getting involved, you're going to get yourself killed, Corbin. We're not going through this again.” I huffed and looked back at Rei.

“And what happens if you get yourself killed?” I looked at him. “How do you think I will survive? How do you think Reira and I will survive?” He looks annoyed and angry but also sad.

“You will survive.” His eyes widened. “You survived a whole year without me, Corbin, I think you can for the rest of your life.” He stood up but I already walked out of the kitchen.

I’m not saying that I’m going to die. I’m just warning him since it’s Mykel. He’s a powerful man and I know he has people behind him.

Mykel does not want me to be in love at all. He knows how much I love Corbin, so if he kills him I will never find anyone else. And that’s a fact. I am not going to allow Mykel to win.


Corbin pov…

Reira was asleep and Blyana was sitting outside in the garden. She was just sitting on the grass doing absolutely nothing. I know she wants to protect me but we agreed to do this together.

I hate it when she does stuff by herself.

I sat next to her on the grass. She didn’t look at me but played with the grass that was in her hand.

“Do you know when you’ll come back?” I asked. She looked down at her hands then at me. “I dunno but maybe at the end of this week. Or sooner.” she smiled then looked away from me.

I grabbed her hand and entwined our fingers.

“You’ll come back sooner, don’t worry.” I rested her head on my shoulder and we both just looked at the sun slowly setting.

She will come back before the weekend. I just know it.

Guys the book is almost over

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Guys the book is almost over...

Maybe about three or four chapters left

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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