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I don't understand how some people are okay with themselves knowing they completely destroyed someone.

Blyana pov...

2 years and a month later...

I climbed through the window and landed on my feet. That caught the attention of my target and he shot up. I threw my knife at his chest and he fell back immediately. I walked towards him and he tried crawling backwards but got stuck at a wall.

"Who- who are you?" He mumbled. I pulled the knife out and he shouted. I need to make this quick. "You can call me Agana." I tilted my head. I had a mask on so he couldn't see my face.

His eyes widened and I could hear footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly slit his throat and the door opened revealing about 4 men. "Fuck," I mumbled to myself. They all came running at me and I blocked the first one's attack.

I elbowed him in the stomach and punched another one that came towards me. I did a roundhouse kick on him, knocking him out. I grabbed my other knife from my belt and stabbed one of them in the stomach.

I brought the knife out and swung it at his head. He ducked and booted me in the stomach. I landed in the arms of the other guy and he lifted me up with a tight grip.

I swung my feet up and let them down, flipping him over me. I grabbed his arm and snapped it, making him scream. Just one guy left and I need to dip. He punched his face and then his stomach. I kicked his side then jumped spinning around, booting him in the face.

He folded and was knocked out. I picked up knives and tried to climb out of the window when I felt someone grab me. I struggled in their hold until I felt my pressure point in my neck being pushed against.

I was losing consciousness so I stopped moving.

Fuck my life.

Time skip...

I slowly opened my eyes but closed them at how bright those stupid lights are. They look like hospital lights, shit. I jolted up and saw it was a clinic type room but not a hospital. Where the fuck am I?

I stood up and saw that my phone or anything I had wasn't with me. I realised that I was in a baggy shirt and basketball shirt. Where the fuck is my assassin uniform and shit?

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

She's gonna kill me.

I stood up from the bed and walked out. I recognise this house. "I missed you." I turned and saw Brayson giving me a slurred smile. He reeked of alcohol and weed. He slumped himself onto me and I sighed.

I guess he really does have an alcohol problem.

"Let's get you to bed." I helped him walk to his bedroom. "You're awake?" I looked up to see Blaze and Elliott. I ignored them and entered his bedroom. I helped him onto the bed and he immediately fell asleep.

I sighed, taking off his shoes. I then took off his shirt and properly covered him in the bed. I walked out and closed the door. "Dad wants to speak to you." Elliot smiled and I sighed, nodding. I followed them without problem or ease.

I never knew the man I would be killing was one of their men in their mafia. Fucking cunt, I regret taking that mission.

I entered the office and Tobias shot up with a smile. "Yana, it's been nice to have you back." I nodded and sat down. I looked over and saw my uniform on the other coach. "Who changed me?" I asked, looking at them.

"A maid." Vincent answered and I hummed, nodding. "I'm happy that you're back and healthy." Tobias smiled. "Who said I am back?" I furrowed my eyebrows. They all looked at each other, "I mean now that you're here, it's better for you to come back since you're under Dad's custody." Davin shrugged.

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