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You don’t own me.

Third person…

Felicity screamed and threw her glass cup across the room. The cup and the wall collided making it smash and glass scattering across the floor. “Why does everyone seem to love this stupid bitch?!” she screamed, grabbing her hair.

Felix walked into the office and saw his sister in distress.

“Why are you stressing yourself over her?” he rolled his eyes sitting down. “She just keeps pissing me off. Why didn’t that bomb fucking work?” she groaned, sitting down next to her twin brother.

“I found something.” Felicity looked at Felix and he had a sinister smile plastered on his face, looking at his phone. Felicity snatched his phone and soon a wicked smile was also plastered on her face.


Anthony’s number.

Blyana pov…

It’s been maybe two days since I’ve been in New York. I have a lot of shit to do so I might be here for a month or longer.

Yesturday, there was a huge fight between the workers. Apparently someone is taking up someone's space or training area. I had an idea and stayed up all night planning this so they better like it.

I walked into the meeting room with Miles behind me and everyone stood up.

“You can sit.” They all sat and I sat down at the end of the table. The same spot fucking Darren used to sit down in.

“I called this meeting because of what happened yesterday.” I turned on my laptop. “You two,” I pointed at the two girls who had the fight. They both stood up, “Explain why a huge fight broke out and one of you tried to blow the place up with a fucking grenade.”

They both started shouting over each other.

“One at a time!” They both stopped but glared at each other. “You, go.” I pointed at the girl on the right.

“It was my training shift which meant that anyone in the assigned spot, should leave. As I got to my spot, she was still there. I thought I got the time wrong but I was on time. I asked politely if she could leave so I could train but she refused. I asked again but she refused, giving me an attitude.”

“Okay, so what did you do?” I asked.

“I punched her.”

There were some sniggeres heard, “Do you think this is funny?!” the other girl screamed. “All of you shut up!” They all kept quiet. “You two sit down.” They both sat down glaring at each other.

I see them getting together.

“Well, here is your surprise.” I put the powerpoint onto the smart board and flipped through it. They all looked at me confused.

“I designed these myself and at this very moment, I have people getting it all ready.” I stopped on the slide that I need.

“There will be three new warehouse buildings. You will all be arranged in your own building, space to train, to work and so on. There are also dorms within the building but of course, men and women are separated.

If you want to have sex then so be it, that’s not my problem but don’t complain when you get pregnant or you get someone pregnant.”

Some laughed.

“This way, everyone could stick to their times and schedules with issues. It will take a long time for these buildings to be made but in the meantime, bare with me and each other. I’m going to change a lot of things around here so fights could be prevented.”

I flipped through the slides and everyone saw how the plan was going to go.

“There will be a wall in between the weapon area and training room. I don’t know why Darren decided to use an open plan for that anyway.” I sighed at the last bit. “There will be more training spots so everyone can train more at the same time.”

“How will it be arranged?” someone asked.
“I was getting there.” I flipped the slide.

“Basically, I will be putting every single one of you in categories.” They all looked at me confused.

“We have diamonds, platinum and Gold.” I pointed to the slide.

“I will have all of you all training for an audition type thing. If you aren’t up to the level you should be, you will be a Gold assassin. If you are at the right level, you're a Platinum assassin. If you are above all other assassins and somehow close to the famous Agana, then you're a Diamond.”

I smirked.

“A-agana?” someone scoffed. “Yes, any issue?” I raised my eyebrows. “No, but- Agana. No one can get to her level or even be next to her.” he said. “That’s why I want to see how strong you all are. You have to be ready for anything.” I shrugged.

Oh please, I know no one can beat me.

“More things will be put in place in the future, but this will be it for now.” They all nodded or looked at each other.

“I will give you until tomorrow night to train as hard as you can. I hope to see certain people in Platinum.” I said mainly looking at the two girls that were still glaring at each other.

“Off you go.”

Time skip…

Why is it so fucking hard to find Robert?

He tried to fucking kill me, so I’m going to kill him. He also manipulated poor little Leo making him think he was his right hand man and shit.

There was a knock on the door, “Come in!” I shouted, not looking up from my computer. “Someone wants to see you, Miss Clarke.” I heard Miles. “If it’s Anthony, tell him to suck a dick and leave.” I replied.

“Oh my good lord,” I heard someone gasp. I looked up and it was an old lady but she still looked a bit young. “Who are you?” I furrowed my eyebrows. “You look just like your mother but has your father’s voice. Oh, your beautiful.” she walked further into the office.

“Miles, who is this?” I stood up, annoyed.

“She said that she is your grandmother.” My eyes widened and looked at the woman.

“Yes, dear. I am your grandmother.”

Well then

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Well then...

I'm going to take a nap

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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