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She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into fire and smiles.

Third person…

“Robert!” Vincent shouted at the top of his lungs. Robert stopped and turned around, smirking. “Ah, my favourite grandson.” He put his arms out. “I am not your grandson, your not mum’s father after all.”

Robert’s smirk faded, “How do you know that?” he asked, annoyed. “A little birdie told me.” Vincent shrugged. “What were you going to do?” Vincent asked, pointing to the edge of the cliff.

“I promised myself that no one, and I mean no one, will ever kill me. I would rather kill myself then let my blood drip on someone else hands.”

Vincent chuckled.

“You mean Blyana’s hands.” Robert furrowed his eyebrows. “You probably knew how powerful Blyana would become when she was a baby. You knew Darren loved mum and would do anything for her.”

Vincent strutted towards him while his face was becoming red.

“You knew when mum ran away with Brayson and Blyana and Darren was going to hand over his empire to her because she had the potential to be a ruler.”

“You knew that when Blyana was going to catch you, she would rip you to shreds until she saw your heart. Your lungs, intestines, your kidney. Please, even the acid that lays in your stomach right now.”

Vincent smirked in his face.

“Blyana will forever be more powerful than you’ll ever be.”

Robert shouted, punching him in the face.

Vincent’s head moved to the side but he didn’t see the knife coming to his stomach. Robert pushed the knife further inside and he coughed up blood.

Vincent managed to elbow his big stomach, making him fall on the ground. Vincent pulled the knife out and groaned in pain.

“If Blyana can’t kill you now, then I will.” he spat out the blood in his mouth and twirled the knife in his hands.

Corbin was driving at full speed to where Vincent was. Blyana was stressed, this was her fight only. Why would Vincent Bennett go after Robert Clarke?

Vincent hated her guts and was always on her case, why is he risking his life for her?

“He’s going to be fine.” Corbin rubbed her thigh and she sighed. “Corbin!” He stomped on the breaks and they all looked up. Almost 20 of Robert’s men stood there, glaring at them.

“Here we go.” Brayson rolled his eyes.

“Waste of bloody time.” Corbin mumbled.

“This is going to be boring.” Dax huffed.

“I thought we killed all of them already.” Riaz picked up his knife from the arm rest.

“This is fun, I can’t lie.” Valencia smiled.

“Let’s just get this done and over with so we can get to Vincent.” Blyana got out of the car and slowly walked towards them.

They all started running towards them, making each other confused. Riaz threw his knife at one of them making them fall back.

Vincent and Robert had been at each other for almost 30 minutes.

Vincent booted Robert in the stomach but he caught his leg. He flipped him over making him land on the ground also hitting his head on the ground. Robert pulled him up to his knees and put a knife to his throat.

“Say goodnight.” Vincent closed his eyes.

“No! Robert!” Imana came running but stopped when she saw Vincent in a sticky one. “Ah, Imana. My beautiful, beautiful Imana.” He laughed. “Put the knife down, I’m here.” She slowly walked towards them.

“You want me, right? I’m here, you can kill me.” she looked at her son. He smiled at her.

“I don’t care about you anymore. Only that bitch of a daughter you have.” He sneered but had an idea. He looked at Vincent and then smirked.

Robert forced Vincent up to his feet and pulled him all the way to the edge of the cliff. “No! What are you doing? Let’s talk about this, please?” Tears start to roll down Imana’s face.

“You’ve become way too soft. Was it because of that family you have?” he laughed, pushing the tip of the knife into Vincent's throat. He hissed in pain. “You made me make that family, you have yourself to blame.” Imana wiped her tears and slowly moved closer to them.

“Yes, I caused it thinking that Tobais would hate and resent you. Turns out he was a lover boy and fell for you.” he rolled his eyes. “Who is my father Robert?” Imana asked, trying to waste time and distract him.

“Your father?” he laughed. “Your father was a good man. As soon as you and Ivan were born, his world brightened up. He always smiled and was cheerful but he was with your mother. I had to kill him.”

“Well, I tried to kill him.” Imana furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Your father is alive and somewhere in China. He owns this huge tech company, maybe that's where you got your special hacking from.”

Imana was shocked but she was more worried about the blood that was dripping out of Vincent's stomach.

“Vincent!” Two cars had pulled up to the scene. Tobias and his sons ran up to their mother but looked at Robert and Vincent. “What the fuck.” Davin mumbled. “Robert, let’s just talk about this, okay!” Tobias was angry but who could blame him.

“Nice to see you again Tobais but Imana and I have already talked.”

Brayson’s eyes widened as he saw his older brother struggling between life or death. Robert was just waiting for one person.

Blyana stood next to Brayson in shock.

Robert smirked.

“Well then, say goodbye to not only me but your dear, dear brother.” Robert stabbed Vincent in the thigh and fell back with Vincent in his arms.

Both were falling off the cliff.

The family screamed running towards them but they were already on their way to the water.

This could not be the end of Vincent Bennett.


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I'm sure some of you guys defo happy that he could be dead but...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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