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Nobody smart plays fair.

Blyana pov...

"How have you been?" Jimmy asked.

"Shit, everything has been shit." I sighed sitting down on the chair. "I noticed you weren't here for a few days to torture me, what happened?" he asked and I sighed.

"I was doing a mission when I got caught. Turns out I was caught by my biological family." I huffed. "The same one that was stupid to enough to believe that Darren guy?" he asked and I nodded.

"The only people who apologised were Tobias and Brayson. Well, Brayson was drunk and now has a drinking problem but Tobias only did it because I called him out on it. The other's can suck out for all I fucking care, I'm not worried about that."

"Good, keep having that mentality." Jimmy smiled and I hummed.

"I decided to stay with them and help Brayson with his drinking problem." His eyes widened. "Woah, why? He fucked you over, remember?" He asked, tilting his head. "Yes, I know. My aunt said the same thing but I still want to help." I sighed.

"You're too nice for this world. I can tell you carry more anger than a thousand armies could ever hear. From what you have vented to me, you were betrayed, deceived, hurt and I'm guessing you've already crossed hell too. But it seems that when you see Brayson, you see peace. Kind off, I don't know."

I stared at him.

"That kind of makes sense." I hummed, nodding. "You're the only person that I've tortured who has actually understood my issues." I smiled and he laughed. "You could say I was the black sheep of my family as well." he shrugged.

"Sorry about that." I pursed my lips. "Nah, it's all good." he shrugged. "On a real note though, where are the documents?" I asked. He sighed, "I'm gonna die anyways and plus, I think I've helped you enough." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"A man asked for them. I don't know his name exactly but I know he goes by R." he sighed and the door opened revealing some of our men in the organisation. "Just R?" I asked and he nodded. "Have you seen his face or anything?" I asked.

"No, we only ever spoke on the phone. I know he had a beard though." He shrugged.

"It was nice talking to you though, Blyana. I kinda feel bad for betraying you guys but I only did it for the money. I hope you fix this issue with that bitch of a family and smile more. You're pretty." I laughed.

"You're not too bad yourself. Bye Jimmy." I waved at him and left the torture room. I heard two gunshots and sighed. I walked into Ronan's office hoping I wouldn't bump into Phaedra but I guess not.

"How was your sappy talk with Jimmy?" she said and I rolled my eyes. "Jimmy said that a man that went by R offered him money to steal the documents and give it to him. He has never seen the man before since they only spoke on the phone but knows he has a beard."

Their eyes widened, "So, Jimmy's dead?" Ronan asked and I nodded. "Don't worry, you'll find another guy to vent to." Phaedra faked a pout but put the BBQ covered chicken to my mouth. "I haven't seen you eat for the past two days, eat." she forced it into my mouth and I took a bite.

My phone started rapidly vibrating and it was Tobias and the others. I checked the time and it seems they have realised I'm gone. "You have school, don't you?" Ronan asked and I nodded.

"Come on, I'll drop you there." He stood up and I followed after him.

Time skip...

I signed in through the front office and walked through the school.

"Brayson, you smell like fucking weed. You said you will stop." I furrowed my eyes and walked towards the voices of a girl. I saw two people behind some steps of stairs and I recognised one of them to be Brayson himself.

I walked towards them, "What are you doing?" I asked and he looked at me. He is as high as fucking kite. "Where were you this morning? I've been calling you." He asked, annoyed. "I had to do something and my phone died." I lied on the last bit.

"You have been doing a lot of things lately." he scoffed. "Who are you?" The girl gave me a dirty look. "Why have you been calling this bitch?" She looked at Brayson. "Ay, that's my twin sister. Don't call her a bitch." he pushed her away and her eyes widened.

"Blyana? Your Blyana?" she smacked her hand around her mouth in shock. I looked away from her and at Brayson. "What are you three doing out of class?" We all turned and saw an SLT member.

"Especially you Brayson, we sent strict instructions to all teachers to not allow you out of class. Let's go." She said and I gave her a weird look. "You must be his sister, instructions will soon be set out for you if you don't change your behaviour."

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I heard footsteps follow me, "So, Blyana. Um, when did you start school here?" the girl asked, smiling at me. "Do I know you?" I asked, looking at her up and down. "Oh I'm Valencia, Brayson's girlfriend." she smiled, putting her hand out for me to shake but I just looked at Brayson.

"You had a girlfriend and didn't tell me, what a surprise." he just rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry I called you a bitch, I was just confused on why Brayson would be calling another girl." She gave an awkward smile. I hummed.

"I don't care." I shrugged.

Brayson has been pissing me off lately. I understand that I leave the house without anyone knowing but I don't see the issue. I wasn't in the house for two years, none of them tried to look for me so why now that I'm gone for literally two hours, they want to rain hell on me?

I don't care about them anyway.

I entered our maths class and it turns out Valencia is also in this class. "Nice to see you Valencia, how was your suspension?" our maths teacher asked while I sat down. "It was fine thank you sir, I even went to Cyprus." she smiled, sitting in front of Brayden and I.

"Why was she suspended?" I whispered to Brayson. "She got into a fight with some bitch." he said and laid his head on the table. I might actually like this girl.

"The Bennett twins? Where were you two?"

I looked up, "Who knows? Who cares?" we both said at the same time and he shook his head. We used to say this to all our teachers back in Dublin whenever we would rock up to school hours late.

Life was decent then.

The rest of the day was boring as fuck. School really isn't for me but then again, I'm only doing this for Brayson. I'm starting to think this isn't going to work at all. If Brayson isn't going to get better and continuously pisses me off, then I will leave and won't look back again.

Tobias isn't even doing a good job being a father to him, that's what's also ticking my bomb. He wasn't a good father to me so I expected him to help him no matter what. I was blind and stupid to even think that.

I will try one more time but if it doesn't work, I'm done with him, that stupid family and London in general.

I will happily go back to Dublin or Glasgow and live with her again.

I will happily go back to Dublin or Glasgow and live with her again

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Blyana really is too kind for this world.

Literally a gem

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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