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A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.

Imana pov...

I stared at my phone while tapping the table.

My phone rang and I immediately picked it up.

"Now, you will explain to me what you were doing with Anthony." I told her and she sighed.

"I was in Darren's will. I have to take over his empire that is based in New york. He said in his letter that even if I disagree, it's a must that I have to be the Dame of his empire."

I saw this coming. Before Darren became crazy and we were dating, he promised me that Blyana would lead his empire and take it to the sky. I never thought much of it but now I see it.

"I have all the files and documents with me now. I don't know what to fucking do." she groaned in frustration. "I'll send Phaedra and Ronan back to London tomorrow morning. You will show them everything and they will call me and tell me everything."

She sighed, "Don't worry, I will sort things out and make it easy for you. For now, I don't want you to ever and I mean ever, talk to Anthony again. Alright?" she hummed. "Okay, I'll talk to you later." she cut the call and I sighed heavily.

Is he really putting my daughter at risk?

He knows people are after his empire but still left for her. He's doing this on purpose to try and ruin my life. He wants to kill Blyana so I would be ruined for the rest of my life.

Fuck you Darren.

Blyana pov...

I walked into the house and I heard everyone in the living room. I opened the door and looked for Brayson. "He's up in his room." Davin smiled and I thanked him. I was about to close the door, "Dad wants to see you in his office." I opened the door back and Elliot was smiling at me.

I closed the door and walked to the office.

Mum will definitely enjoy this conversation.

I knocked on the door and I heard a 'come in'. I entered and closed the door. "Your back? Sit." he smiled and I did as he said. "What do you want to speak about?" I asked, placing my hand under my chin.

"When your mum and I met, I fell in love immediately. Both of our fathers forced us to get married because they thought it would be good for us. Your mother never loved me and I see why she never did. I loved her with all my heart and soul and she knew that. She just followed what her father told her and what the contract said. So we had our first chile, Blaze.

For the first time, I saw a real genuine smile pop up on her face. She started to put up with me and actually spoke to me. I was happy and we had more children. When she gave birth to Brayson and you, she was shocked to see a girl. We were told we were going to have two boys but seeing you, she must have gotten scared.

That's when she started planning on running away with you guys. I was sad, angry and lonely but I loved her way too much. Even though your mother is dead, I will forever stay loyal to her even though she didn't love me."

"Why are you telling me something I already know?" I stared at him and he looked at me confused. "You already know? How?" I sighed. "I heard the story from Darren but it doesn't matter. Why are you telling me this?" I rolled my eyes.

"I want to build a relationship with you. You're my only ever daughter and I want you to know that I do love you and Brayson. I'm sorry for what I did and I truly am."

He looks serious and genuine.

"Too late for that Tobias. You had your chance two years ago but you messed it up."

I stood up and walked out of his office, ignoring his calls. I'm not buying his bullshit again.

I'm not a fucking game and I am not to be played with. Nobody should fucking mess with me or they will see that I can do better. Better than everyone in this fucking world.

The game is over.

I will be updating a lot now

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I will be updating a lot now...basically everyday.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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