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This destruction will be your rebirth.

Corbin pov…

My eyes opened because of the lights that were beaming through the small gap in the curtains. I looked down and Blyana was laying on my chest with the duvet over her. I smiled and used my hand to caress her cheek.

I really do love her and I always will.

I checked the time on my phone and it was almost 7 which was the time I had to wake her up. I wish she could just sleep and rest but she has to do this whole empire thing.

“Blyana,” I pulled her up a bit so her face was closer to mine. “Blyana, you need to wake up.” She moved around a bit. I kissed her cheek making her groan and finally opened her eyes. “What time is it?” she asked, moving off my chest.

“Probably 7 am right now.” She hummed and sat up. I wrapped the duvet around her and she smiled, laying back down on my chest. “You don’t wanna go?” I smiled, kissing the side of her head.

“Nope but I have to.” she sighed, playing with my hands. “What about you?” She looked at me. “What do you mean?” I grabbed her chin and pecked her lips. “Are you going to stay here by yourself?” she said against my lips.

“No, I have friends in the area so I am going to visit them.” I kissed her again and she nodded with a smile.

“Okay, I need to get ready.” she huffed turning back around.

I put my hand under the duvet and rested it on her stomach, tracing her surgery scar. “You need to stop doing that.” she grabbed my hand. “You need to get used to it.” I smirked and she huffed.

Blyana pov…

“Take a bite.” Corbin put the french toast to my mouth. I took a bite and he kissed my forehead. “Call me when you're on your way home.” I waved at him and entered Wilder’s car. My cars are arriving today so I will start driving myself.

I feel useless.

“Good morning, Miss Clarke.” Wilder smiled. “Morning, Wilder.” he nodded and started driving. My phone rang and it was Mum.

“Hello.” I picked up the call. “Why the hell was she speaking to you?!” She screamed on the phone and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What are you talking about? Who was speaking to me?” I asked.

“My mother!”

Shit I forgot about that conversation.

“I’m coming to New York, I don’t care.” I heard  aggressive movements on the other side. “Mum, calm down. That’s not necessary at all.” I said. “Nope, I’m coming. I’m coming with your aunt and uncles as well.”

Why is she being like this?

“Where’s Brayson?” I asked. “He went to France with Valencia last night, why?” she asked. “I’m just making sure he’s fine.” I sighed. “How did you know we spoke though?” I asked. “Have you forgotten? I still have our people watching over you and as soon as we get to New York, you will explain why you spoke to my mother.”

“Mum, can-”

The call was cut and I sighed, switching off my phone.

“We’re here, Miss Clarke.” I looked up and saw that I was in front of the building. I thanked him and got out, making my way in. “Miss Clarke.” Miles bowed his head and smiled. I nodded at him.

“The senior workers are here again.” I looked at him and nodded. “Thank you,” I entered my office and saw the three of them either bickering or just talking loudly. “Can we keep it down?” I huffed.

“I thought you British people are usually loud?” Asher asked and I rolled my eyes. “Not all are loud.” I sat down at the end of the table. “Most like their peace and quiet. Now what can I do for you guys?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Anyway, we have some information on two people who are actually trying to kill you.” I looked at Naya. “Kill me?” She nodded.

“They both go by ‘F’. We haven’t yet found identity, names or anything in general but know they just go by that letter.”


Felicity and Felix?

“Okay, thank you.” I nodded at them. They stood up, bowing their heads and walked out. My phone rang and I picked it up without looking at the ID.

“What was the reason?” I heard Ronan.


“What was the reason for you to talk to my mother? You have no business with her, so why?” He sounded annoyed and angry. “Look, I never wanted to speak to her in the first place. She came here on her own will and told me everything herself.” I rolled my eyes.

“Why didn’t you send her away? Why did she sit down and cry to you like a pussy?!” I heard Phaedra shouted. “Why are you blaming me for all of this? I didn’t ask her to sit down, did I?” I’m getting irritated.

“We're not blaming you, Blyana. We're just confused.” I heard Ivan. “Then stay confused and leave me the fuck alone.” I cut the call and threw my phone to the side of the table.

So fucking annoying.

Imana pov…

Why the hell would my fucking mother go and see Blyana?

They have no business with each other. They shouldn’t have any business with each other.



“Imana?” I turned and Tobias was looking at me with concern. He needs to stop looking at me like that all the time.

“Are you okay?” He asked, walking towards me. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” I said and stood up from my bed. “I’m going to New York for a while. I don’t know for how long but I’ll be back.” I told him and went back to packing my suitcase.

“Are you lying?” I looked up at him. “Why would I lie?” I asked. “I mean, the last time you left you didn’t come back. You then popped out of nowhere on the twins' birthday.” He shrugged, sitting down.

“That was different and you know it. I’m going to see Blyana about something important.” I continued packing. “How long is Brayson going to be in France for?” He asked. “2 weeks. I think he should stay longer to help him ease his mind. He needs a long break, especially away from…”

I paused and huffed.

“Away from here.”

“Are you sure you're okay?” I looked at him. “I’m fine, Tobias.” he stood up and pulled me into a hug, making my eyes widen. “You can tell me the truth.” he rubbed my back. I just stood there.

What the fuck is this? We are in our 50’s, not teenagers.

I pushed him away and went back to packing.

“You're still my little assassin.” I rolled my eyes at him.

Fucking hell.

Awww Imana and Tobias kinda cute

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Awww Imana and Tobias kinda cute...not really

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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