The Power

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The crimson sun rises above the blood-stained sky, its deep red hue casting a sinister light over the land. Eldric, watching it rise, cannot help but chuckle at the sight. "The wait is finally over," he muttered to himself, a feeling of excitement coursing through his being as he gazes upon the spectacle. As the sun climbs higher in the sky, he can feel the tension in the air around him, a feeling of anticipation growing as the time for the ritual draws near.

Alexandra's thoughts are a blur of sadness and fear as she helplessly lies on the ground, paralyzed and with no way to escape. Her prayers were all she had as the blood sun continued to rise, casting a dark and ominous red light over the land. 'Please keep my family safe.' she thought to herself, praying for a miracle that would save her from the inevitable.

Eldric grabs Alexandra's collar of her tattered gown, hovering the both of them over the enormous rumble of rocks while grabbing a dagger; the handle of the dagger was shaped like a dragon. The first stab was the arms; he sliced straight cuts with ease, and Alexandra let out a terrible scream from the stinging feeling. Her crimson blood dripped from her arm to the rumble of the rocks.

As he was about to deliver another stab to Alexandra, running footsteps were nearing behind Eldric, but before he could turn around, he felt the entire body weight of someone behind him. The weight made them unbalanced, and they tumbled down on the rumble of rock.

Eldric stood from where he fell, brushing off dirt from his elegant clothing. He looked over to the person who made him stumble. "Elly, so glad to see my old knight doing well. You look younger, though."Eleanor stood up; she was breathing heavily, and sweat was running down her face. She had an angry, crazed look in her eyes. It immediately went away when she saw her granddaughter.

Eleanor: "Alexandra, are you ok?"

Alexandra: "Grandma!" Alexandra smiled happily, relieve washed over her. Eleanor was about to go to her but Alexandra's body floated back beside Eldric.

Eldric: "It's rude to interrupt a king."

Eleanor: "Former King."

More footsteps arrived; it was King Alendros, David, Matteo, and the rest, who arrived at the rumble of rock

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More footsteps arrived; it was King Alendros, David, Matteo, and the rest, who arrived at the rumble of rock.

David: "These mountains will be the death of me." David breathed heavily; Hugo watched his father with a *really?* sarcastic look in his eyes.

Alexandra smiled happily, seeing her father and little brother. "Papa! Hugo!"

David: "Alexandra!"
Hugo: "You're okay!"

Matteo's eyes widened when he saw the large rumble of rock in front of him. "My word, I feel the dragon's aura even when it's dead."

Everyone stopped in their tracks when they saw the former king of the Helogan empire, Eldric, who was known to be the mad king.

Eldric clicked his tongue in frustration, "Useless idiots, I shouldn't have trusted a wild vermin!"

Eleanor wasted no time in attacking Eldric with her sword; Eldric immediately pulled Alexandra in front of him, which halted Eleanor's attack. "You wouldn't want to hurt your granddaughter, would you?" He said with a smug face. But suddenly, Alexandra's body was set free from the paralyzation; she wasted no time rushing to her father. David gladly held his daughter close to his arms. Eldric's eyes widened from this action, but then King Alendros walked beside Eleanor's side.

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