The Helogan Queen

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Back when the old was young. The Helogan Empire was ruled by a mad king named Eldric, whose wife was none other than the beautiful and intelligent Asteria. Despite her husband's madness, Asteria was a kind and just queen who was loved by her people. 

Before Alendros was born and before she got ill, Asteria was the very picture of a queen. She had a regal bearing, with the kind of confidence and charisma that comes with being born to the throne. Her hair was a gleaming light purple, a contrast to the gentle sparkle of her greenish-blue eyes. Her skin was smooth and clear, not a single wrinkle marring her face.

She strides through the corridors with purpose, her heels clicking against the marble floor. The weight of her husband's decisions weighs heavily on her mind, and she makes her way to the meeting room where Eldric and the war commanders are gathered. The tension in the air is palpable as she pushes the door open, and all eyes turn towards her. Despite the intense scrutiny, she remains unfazed.

Asteria demands answers: "Eldric, what is the meaning of this?!"

Eldric's attention is drawn away from the war map, his eyes narrowing as he gazes at his wife. His veil covered his mouth and nose.

Eldric: "The meaning of what?"

Eldric sat down on the chair at the head of the table, his expression unreadable. Asteria was standing before him, her face twisted in anger. Her long hair was tied back in a loose braid, and her eyes were blazing with fury.

"Attacking the Yarcal camps! For what?!" she exclaimed, pacing back and forth. "Are you trying to make an enemy out of everyone?! You've already started a war against the KarKals and the Uthgars; we're lucky that the Joldak aren't violent people! What is your reasoning for all of this?!"

Eldric: "Leave us." He commanded the war commanders, and they filed out quickly, leaving the two of them alone. "I am simply doing what is necessary for the kingdom," he said, his voice calm and measured.

Asteria was not convinced. "You're lying!" she spat, her eyes still burning with anger. "If that were truly the case, you would have come to me and discussed it. What are you truly after?"

Eldric sighed and closed his eyes, his hands clasped together in front of him. He knew that he could not hide anything from Asteria, who is an intelligent and perceptive woman.

Eldric: "Fine." He said calmly, he leans back on his chair, looking at his wife with calm, narrow eyes. "Sit." his voice sharp as he gestured at the chair across from him. He watched as Asteria complied, her eyes downcast and her body tension palpable.

Eldric: "For centuries my family has ruled this kingdom, and throughout those years we have been killed by a curse. It is a curse I have spent my life trying to break, and now I am so close. All I need is Lienna's necklace, and with it, I will be immortal." He stood up from his chair and looked outside the window while holding his hands behind his back.

Eldric: "Once Eleanor gives me Lienna's necklace then I will be immortal and soon the rest of my people will be immortal. I'm starting this war to speed up what is mine."

Asteria: "What?!" She stood from her chair, Asteria's eyes widened at the words. "But Lucy's necklace is sacred to her people," she said. "If you steal it, you will be killing her entire people. You are killing the most ancient civilization for your own gain?! That necklace is what keeping them alive through all these years Eldric! We can find another way to stop the family curse!"

Eldric's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing to slits as he glared at her. "I am the king," he said, his voice laced with venom. "And I will do whatever it takes to break the curse and ensure my own survival and my empire. The ancient civilization means nothing to me, and I will not be stopped by their so-called sanctity."

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