Trial by Fire

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Through the vast stone houses and markets, Eleanor and Aryn haven't encounter any troubles nor seen anyone that looks even close to Eldric, and sense he can shapshift his looks, the task makes everything harder but Eleanor is determined, she knows how Eldric walks and the way he carries himself, it'll only be a matter of time for her to catch the madman and kill him.

Aryn: "No signs of Eldric still."

Eleanor: "Keep looking, we'll find him eventually."

They continued to walk within the market; suddenly, six cloaked figures pushed past Eleanor while three cloaked figures held three human-sized sacks on their shoulders; one of them was wiggling on their shoulder. Aryn also saw this and felt a pit of disgust in his stomach, "This is why I never liked the Uthgar Empire; they take away innocent people for their own entertainment." Aryn said in his deep raspy voice. Eleanor, though, kept her eyes on the three sacks, especially the one that was struggling; she narrowed her eyes, "Come on." She said as she walked to the direction of a big arena that could be seen from afar.

Walking from Fire Pit's village, all the way to Uthgar Rest, was far but the arena was getting bigger and bigger as they neared it. Once there, they saw all types of races there, circling around the huge building, they all were excited once they walked through the arch ways leading into the arena, they went on the stairs and sat in rows.

The Uthgar arena is a tall tower; the building spirals up to the sky, and its thick, imposing walls loom ominously over the surrounding landscape, casting a long shadow that stretches across the land. The building is constructed from sturdy stone and reinforced with dark, forbidding ironwork, magic infused in the building to hinder anyone from using their magic. On the inside of the arena lies a stone floor, dried blood staining the hard ground, indicating past fights were staged there. Surrounding the arena were rows upon rows of stone benches, which lined the circular arena spiraling up. The rows are filled with spectators hungry for blood and gore. Above it all looms the arena's centerpiece; a massive, ornate structure known as the Blood Throne. The throne had a splatter of blood from head to toe on it.

Surrounding the arena are a series of towering watchtowers. Armed cloaked guards patrolled them; they held their weapons at the ready, ever so vigilant on whoever disobeys the rules.

The Uthgar's arena, serves not only as a site of brutal fights but also as a prison, it's many floors descending deep beneath the grounds surface.

Eleanor and Aryn sat down on the stone bench, looking down at the arena; rows of people were cheering around them. Aryn, though, was uncomfortable about the entire situation. "I'm sorry to sound rude, but why are we here?" Aryn questioned Eleanor, unsure why they were at the arena rather than looking for the mad former king.

"I sensed something." Eleanor could only say that, it bothered Aryn but he knew very well not to question Eleanor, she is the best knight in this entire generation after all. So he trusts her every words.

Suddenly, the crowd got louder when the announcer arrived, walking in the middle of the arena, "Lads And Gents! Welcome to The Pit of Despair!!" the announcer's voice bombed loudly, and even the row from the top heard him. The crowd cheered excitedly. "Today we have a very special show for you today! We have three Helogan knights with us, and they will fight the strongest prisoner in the entire prison!" The crowd cheered louder, "We're going see just how exactly strong they are since the Helogan empire sees themselves as the strongest empire; we're going to crush their sweet pride today, folks!" the announcer said; it only made the crowd louder.

Aryn was surprised a little, "Three Helogan Knights? but no other Helogan knights should be here expect for us." As soon as he said that, he immediately knew who the three knights were, he now knows that the three humanized sacks were Aurelie, Nova, and Zander.

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