Killer Plan 2

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Alexandra: "L-Listen, I'm sure whatever my grandmother did, it was an accident. She say that she made sacrifices to protect the Empire, the late King.....her family. Alexandra said calmly, trying to keep her composure after finding out this nasty woman's wicked plan. Her plans to escape are more dire than ever.
Linnea: "Heh, that what she called them?"
Silence took over the atmosphere, making it very uncomfortable for Alexandra; not knowing what this older woman was thinking about was really bothering her. She watched the woman holding the sorcerer's knife tightly in her hands with her back turned; her entire body was shaking with rage.

The older woman suddenly turned around, stormed towards Alexandra, and held the knife down at her.

Linnea: "I'm going to enjoy breaking your grandmother; no hard feelings, my dear, but you are part of my plan." Linnea smiled gently like a sweet old lady would normally do, but what she did next wasn't sweet at all; she knocked Alexandra out with the butt of the knife. She then signaled the flying wendigo; it picked Alexandra's unconscious body and took it to a hidden room, that was behind the war paintings in the bedroom. 


The next day

(Back at the palace)

Eleanor was on the training grounds, training with other guards to get used to her strength and to get back to the swing of things while Megan was watching her from afar on a chair.

Head Guard: "It's a true honor to train with you, Eleanor, but I have confidence that I will prevail in this training." The guard said confidently.

Eleanor: "It's good to be confident, but it can also become your weakness."

When it became silent, they both stared at each other intensely for a while before lunging their swords simultaneously. Megan watched them from a good distance, and she got more nervous as she watched. It's been a few days since she ever saw her daughter, and still, there's no news of her whereabouts. Of course, she is also worried for her husband and her little boy Hugo, but not as much since Hugo is safe with his father and David is capable of protecting himself and Hugo. Plus, they're with a group of people to find Alexandra, so what could go wrong?.

The only thing that Megan wants to achieve now is to get Elanor prepared to find that gross monster and kill it so they can get Alexandra back home safe and sound and everything can return to normal...Well, besides the fact that Eleanor looks younger now and she can walk, David is going to be furious about that, but that's something to worry about later.

???: "Agh!"

Megan immediately got interrupted from her thoughts and looked over to see what happened.
She smiled when she saw Eleanor holding her sword down at the Head guard, who was on the ground looking up at Eleanor with a stunned look.  

Head guard: "H-how?"

Eleanor: "Again, your confidence can be your weakness." she put her sword away and held her hand down to the guard to help him up; he took her hand and stood up straight.

Head guard: "Well...I should really fix that then." he bowed at her slightly. "Thank you for this training." 

Eleanor: "Right, you're welcome." she nodded.

King Alendros: "Glad to see you haven't lost your touch." The young king walked over to Eleanor with maids behind him, holding armor in their hands.

King Alendros: "It took a while to find it, but we managed to find your armor when you first became a palace guard." King Alendros motioned the maids to move forward, and they did. They handed Eleanor her armor. Eleanor looks at it, remembering all the old memories.

Eleanor: "I'll go put this on." Eleanor walks off inside the palace.

Megan stood up and walked over to the young king.
Megan: "My king...may I say something?"

King Alendros looks at Megan with a curious look.
King Alendros: "You may."

Megan: "It might sound rude, but letting Eleanor become your war commander might not be the best option; she hasn't been in the palace for years, and she may look young now due to the spring, but I know for sure that she just wants to save her granddaughter and go right back home, she wants to live a peaceful life."

King Alendros looked at Megan as she spoke. It might now be on his face due to how calm he looked, but a hint of anger was rising within him. 

King Alendros: "I know you are worried about your family member, but I know what I am doing." he gently put his hand on Megan's shoulder.

King Alendros: "Please relax; we will get Alexandra back. I also don't want anything to happen to your baby that's on the way due to you being stressed." He said, smiling gently to Megan, which made her feel uncomfortable. He patted her shoulder gently before taking his hand off her shoulder.

King Alendros: "Oh, and one more thing, Megan."

Megan: "...Yes?"

King Alendros: "It might not be wise to question a king's judgment; please try to restrain yourself next time, okay?" he said, smiling again.

Megan: " king."
'I have a bad feeling about this,' Megan thought.

Eleanor walked out from the palace; everyone in the training field looked at her when she walked out. The palace guard armor on her stands tall and strong, exuding an air of authority. The glossy steel of her armor is intricately adorned with gold dragon and intricately carved designs that highlight well in the sunlight. The helmet covers her face, with a long visor concealing her eyes and a nasal guard protecting her nose and mouth. Despite her armor being heavy, her movement is fluid and graceful, indicating the years of training she had undergone when she was younger.

King Alendros: "You still fit it; it looks well on you, Eleanor. Now we can focus on finding your granddaughter."

Megan: "A flying wendigo took Alexandra...does the palace know anything about those creatures?"

Head guard: "Not really, but we do know where they like to hide."

King Alendros: "The real question you should be asking is why the flying wendigo abducted Alexandra instead of attacking her right then and there? They always attack their prey, never abduct."

Eleanor: "No, they wouldn't, but I know who did and where she is."

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