Fond Memories

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As the sun began to set, the knights on board the ship prepared themselves for a long night's rest. However, Eleanor was not ready to call it a day just yet. Instead, she decided to talk to Captain Bulluck. Meanwhile, Nova, Aryn, Zander, and Aurelie worked hard to get their sleeping areas set up just right. As they were doing so, Aurelie noticed something strange - there were no crew members on the ship.

"Doesn't this guy have any crew members?" Aurelie asked, puzzled.

Zander quipped back in a mocking pirate voice, "He probably prefers to be a solo pirate."

But Aryn had a different theory. "He's not a pirate, Zander, and I'm pretty sure he can't afford to have any crew members; Eleanor just paid him."

With a soft sigh, Nova finished setting up her sleeping area and turned to face her companions; she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at her. "I'm more concerned about the condition of the ship," she said in her usual hushed tone. Suddenly, the sound of creaking wood filled the air, followed by the unmistakable sound of water droplets hitting the wooden floor. The group exchanged glances, their unease growing with each passing moment.

Aryn, the calmest of the group, spoke up. "Eleanor seems to trust the Captain. I believe she must have been aboard this ship before, based on the way they were conversing with each other. We should try to get some rest." Aryn's words brought a sense of relief to the others, though not entirely.

As they lay down in their sleeping area, the ship rocked them gently to sleep. Meanwhile, Eleanor leaned on a wooden railing as she looked out into the dark sky, showing signs of a storm coming.

Captain Bulluck sat relaxed, leaning on a wooden chair with his feet up on the ship's wheel. With a loud burp, he wiped his mouth and grinned, asking Eleanor, "What made you look younger? I want some of it! I want to relive my younger years, too!"

Eleanor rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, looking at her old friend. "You'll need the King's approval first. I highly doubt he'll grant it to an old drunk man who smells like seawater and ale. You'll just taint his palace with that smell," she replied sarcastically, trying to hide her amusement. 

Bulluck chuckled at her remark. "Aye, you're right," he said, looking around at the serene surroundings. The two friends had not seen each other in ages, and the silence between them was deafening. Bulluck's hands, wrinkled from years of sailing, set his bottle of ale down beside him. 

As he watched Eleanor staring at the clouds, her dark brown hair mixed with grey blowing gently in the wind, Bulluck noticed her troubled expression. He knew exactly what she was thinking - Groc. They had all met when they were young, and the memories of their adventures together were still fresh in his mind. Bulluck felt a pang of nostalgia, wishing they could go back in time and relive those cherished moments.


The salty sea breeze, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and the sight of the mighty ships at the dock made the young Bulluck's heart race with excitement. He was at the ship docks in the Joldak Kingdom with his father, helping him tie the ropes of the ships. The boy was busy working when his father walked out to inspect his work. "It needs to be tighter," his father said, grabbing the rope from his son. But as he was tying the rope, it suddenly broke apart, leaving the father frustrated with the cheap quality of the rope. "Ugh, this cursed cheap rope! Stay here and watch the ship. I'm going to get more rope," the father said, leaving the boy alone. The young Bulluck was left in charge of the ship, feeling both excited and a little scared at the same time.

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