Killer Plan

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Alexandra: 'She's lying! Who knows what she is planning to do with me! I have to get out of here and run long enough to a nearby village and find my family! am I going to do that when there's a Wendigo standing guard?'

Alexandra looks to the only exit of the cave, thinking to make a run for it or just wait for the right time.

Alexandra: 'I'll play along for now, and then once I get a chance, I'll escape and find any help in a nearby village. There's bound to be a village nearby, right?'

Alexandra slowly walked towards the old woman with hesitation; she crouched down to her level. Linnea grabbed Alexandra's injured hand gently and applied a purplish-colored ointment to her hand.

Linnea: Poor child, I wouldn't be even doing this if your grandmother started a battle that she didn't even bother to finish. And here you are now in the crossfire with an injured hand." She smiled, but as you could guess, it was wrinkly and UGLY!

Alexandra: "Don't talk about my grandmother that way; you don't even know her." She said, frowning at the old woman. Linnea put away the ointment.

Linnea: "Eleanor Fotheeth 78 years old, used to be the best king's knight, retired hunter, and retired clothing designer, which by the way, were horrible designs, in my opinion. Oh! To top it all off, she is wheelchair-bound because a longhorn cat attacked you when you were little."

Alexandra was speechless; of course, it's understandable that some people would know that her grandmother was a king's knight and hunter. She is practically famous within the entire Helogan Empire; even some bandits outside the empire always tell tales to their young. But how did she know about the longhorn cat part? Eleanor never spoke about it, and neither did Alexandra or her family.
Alexandra: "H-How do you know that last part?"

Linnea looked at the terrified young woman with a sinister smile.
Linnea: "Who do you think placed that wild beast there in the first place?" She giggled like a young teenager.

Alexandra: "...what do you mean by that?"

Linnea: "Oh honey, you are so clueless about who I am; that's very sad that my one and only friend left never spoke about me to her family." Linnea stood up straight and walked to the right side of the cave, which was nothing but a wall, but then suddenly, the old woman waved her hand in one motion, and the cave walls opened, reviling a secret room that looked like to be a bedroom and it also had old armor that looked to be a sorcerer and war paintings and old weapons all over the walls..

Linnea: "I use to be the best sorcerer during my prime, I even fought alongside with your grandmother during the battles and war." Linnea grabs an old sorcerer knife on the wall. She stood there for awhile when she looked at it.

Linnea: "Needless to say, a lot happened during those times and one of those times, your grandmother did something that she wasn't suppose to do. It ruined my life..." She said darkly.

Linnea: "So! once I complete the ritual, I'm to kill everyone she loves to make her miserable! and continue to make her life a living hell!!"

Alexandra's blood ran cold. Linnea just admitted that she is planning to kill  her and her family.

Linnea: "Oops, did I say that out loud? heh"


Sorry for the short chapter.

Writer's block is something else.

Dragons GenerationsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz