Family Heritage

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"Two Years?! My Hugo can't be in there for long!" Megan frowned; Megan's concern, sharp and edged with fear, filled the space. "Two years is an eternity for a child. I can't— We can't let Hugo endure that," she pleaded, her voice thick with emotion.

Grandmaster Gin's face softened, the lines around his eyes deepening as he nodded in understanding. "Megan, I do not expect Hugo to remain as long as I did. Each journey within the memory room is uniquely tailored to the individual. Hugo will face only what he is prepared to handle at his age and his level of training," he reassured her gently.

"Furthermore," Grandmaster Gin continued, "the time within the memory room does not necessarily correlate to our usual perception of time. The room can adjust the flow, condensing what might take years into a much shorter period. Nythros will monitor him closely and ensure his safety at every step."

Megan listened, her posture slightly relaxed but still tense with maternal concern. "And if he shows signs of too much strain? If it becomes too much for him?" she asked, her eyes searching the Grandmaster's for a promise of intervention.

"We will intervene," Grandmaster Gin assured firmly. "The purpose is to strengthen, not break. We are here to foster growth, not cause harm."

David placed a hand on Megan's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Let's trust in the process for now. He's not alone in this."

Megan exhaled slowly, her fears not entirely assuaged but tempered by trust in the wisdom of the Grandmaster and her husband's reassurance. She nodded, reluctantly agreeing to let the training continue for now, her eyes fixed on the wooden door that separated her from her son.

It has been three days since Hugo entered the Memory room. Meanwhile, Eleanor, Aryn, Zander, Aurelie, and Nova finally arrived at the Joldak Imperium, Jade Fall, one of the kingdom villages. After Captain Bulluck had anchored his damaged ship at the docks. As they disembarked, Zander was the first to touch the ground, exclaiming, "Finally! Fresh, sweet soil!" However, his excitement was short-lived as he felt a sharp pain on his pinky finger. Upon inspecting his finger, he discovered a Terra Pincer, a small crab that inhabits the soil near the ship docks.

Zander's eyes slowly widened as he realized what it was - a crab. Immediately, he panicked because he had always been afraid of crabs as a child. "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" he yelled, flailing his arm around, but the crab held on tight. Aurelie could only laugh, while Nova rushed to the rescue and Aryn watched. However, Eleanor narrowed her eyes as she looked around the Joldak docks, remembering her childhood there. "Nothing's changed," she thought. "It still smells like crap."

Nova, with a gentle and precise touch, managed to pry the stubborn Terra Pincer from Zander's finger. She held the little crab carefully between her fingers. "It's off now." She released the crab, watching as it hurried away, disappearing into a small hole in the dock.

Zander, still shaking a bit, managed to smile. "Thanks, Nova. I know it's silly, but I've always been freaked out by crabs."

Aryn chuckled lightly, smacking Zander on the back. "Well, now you've faced your childhood fear, maybe it won't be so bad next time."

Eleanor, still scanning the surroundings with a critical eye, walked back to join the group. "We should keep moving. If we linger too long, we'll draw unnecessary attention." She said as she paid Captain Bulluck for his service. "Thank you old friend, this should help repair your ship."

"Always straight to business Lady Elly, but yes this will do plenty." He said as he grabs the coins.

Eleanor wasted no time to walk off into Jade Fall with the rest of her group. As Bulluck watches, he scratches his scruffy bread and sighs heavily. As Eleanor and the rest walked into the village, the people were all staring at them; children stood there silently and stared at them with their wide eyes. Making the group expect Eleanor to feel uncomfortable.

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