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The Uthgar Empire is a vast and powerful kingdom, ruled with an iron fist by Queen Bandida, the queen of bandits. The empire is a dangerous place for travelers, as bands of bandits roam the lands, attacking and plundering as they please. Other emperors and their many armies of warriors were always busy trying to keep order with the bandits due to the queens people of bandits, she has built a networks of spies and informants to keep an eye on the empire's many enemies but now that's on hold due to the Uthgar Empire making alliance with the other Empires to stop Eldric. 

The Uthgar Empire prison  is a vast and imposing structure, with thick, towering walls made of heavy stone and reinforced with magical wards to prevent any chance of escape and to hinder any type of magic. The prison stands tall in the heart of the empire's capital city, and is easily visible from afar due to its size and position

The first section of the prison is for common criminals and thieves. These prisoners are kept in crowded, windowless cells, where they spend their days in isolation, with little to do but wait for their time to pass. The guards in this section are rough and unfeeling, and the prisoners are treated with little regard or compassion.

The second section of the prison is for political dissidents and traitors. These prisoners are kept in similar cells to those in the first section, but they are subject to even more stringent conditions. They are monitored closely by the empire's secret police, and their every movement is observed.

The third section of the prison is for the empire's most dangerous criminals and terrorists. This is where the worst of the worst are kept, in cells designed to prevent any chance of escape. The prisoners in this section are subject to continuous surveillance and are kept in solitary confinement for most of their sentences.

Life inside the Uthgar Imperial Prison is harsh and unforgiving, and many prisoners never make it out alive. Those who do are often scarred by their experiences, both physically and emotionally, and spend the rest of their days trying to forget the horrors they endured.

So why would Aurelie, Nova, and Zander be in the third section of the prison? Aurelie slowly clapped her hands together, staring right at Zander with anger in her eyes. "Good job everyone, its exactly what we needed, to be in the Uthgar's most dangerous and disgusting sections of all! And it's all because of you Zander!" Aurelie pointed her well kept pointing finger at Zander. Zander slapped her hand away.

"What did I do?!" Zander yelled back at her.

Aurelie scoffed at at him, "You was flirting with the enemy when you took off their cloaks!"


As Aurelie was swinging her staff to two cloaked figures, Nova was relentlessly punching the two cloaked figures with her gauntlets but as for Zander he was able uncloak the two figures that he was fighting, but as he did so, he immediately stopped in his tracks and smirked when he saw that he was fighting two Uthgar women. 

Aurelie's focus wavered as she glanced at Zander, her brows furrowed in disbelief. "Zander, what in the gods are you doing?!" she demanded, her voice tinged with urgency.

Zander's smirk widened, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. "Just making a couple of new friends," he quipped, his tone laced with bravado. In that fleeting moment of hesitation, the Uthgar women seized the opportunity to launch a swift counterattack, their movements swift and coordinated. 

Nova, sensing the impending danger, lunged forward to shield Zander from harm. However, the force of the assault proved overwhelming, and Nova's hands bore the brunt of the impact, eliciting a pained grunt from her lips. "Nova!" Aurelie's protective instincts kicked in as she rushed to her sister's aid, but her intervention only served to leave her vulnerable. In a swift and calculated move, the cloaked figures swiftly subdued Aurelie, pinning her to the ground with a strength.

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