Blood Sun

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Previously on Dragon Generations!!!

Matteo: "I sense more widows are coming."

Suddenly, there were hundreds of widow wendigos in the cave, surrounding the group. "Times like these are quite hunting, right, little hunter?" The elder widow said in its own language.

David: "Hugo, you better not leave my side." The entire group held out their weapons.

Elder Widow: "Kill them." The elder widow signaled his widow wendigos to attack; the widows launched themselves toward the group.

Meanwhile, Lienna grabbed an empty bottle and put the liquid from the cauldron in it. She smiled wickedly toward herself. After she went to Alexandra, who was in a cage, she opened it with the swift of her hand by magic; Alexandra looked up at the old woman with fear in her eyes.

Lienna: "Time to go, little one, tomorrow is a special day. Time for you to be useful for the blood sun." she smiled wickedly at her.

We continue:

The widow wendigos were no match for Eleanor; she was and still is a masterful swordswoman, cutting down the wendigos with swift and precise strokes without breaking a sweat. The knights were equally skilled, striking as one to keep their circle unbroken. Alendros was itching to join in, but his knights wouldn't allow it, so he just stood in between the circle in boredom.

David held his young son in one arm and wielded his sword in the other. He cut down the widowed wendigos with a savage fury, his face set in a determined grimace. His heart pounding beneath his chest, David fought with all the strength and skill of a seasoned warrior, determined to protect his son from even the smallest of threats.

Matteo punches every widow wendigo who comes running his way, and he dodges their attack with ease like some expert monk. Despite his modest appearance and peaceful demeanor, he was a force to be reckoned with.

The Elder widow watched in fury as he looked at his children getting cut with ease; he was mostly looking at Eleanor, whose eyes were more focused on him. Having had enough of watching the slaughter, Hiram finally took action. He took out his large battle mace, the very same mace that killed Eleanor's second husband. Hiram walked towards the fight, going straight to Eleanor.

Eleanor: "This time, I will end you for Ahiga." Eleanor said while she cut off a widow's head as she spoke, looking straight at the elder widow.

Elder Widow: "Your skull will do well for my belt, just like your husband's skull looks wonderful on my necklace!!"

Eleanor and Hiram both readied their weapons, ready to attack.

All the while, as this goes on during the night, Lienna cast a paralyzing spell on Alexandra, causing her to float in the air and follow her every move. Alexandra was terrified, but she was also filled with sadness as she thought about all the things she would miss. She would never see her family again, never see her mother give birth to her new sibling, her father will blame himself when she dies, never see her little brother Hugo grow up to be a young man, she will never marry and will never have children of her own, and her grandmother...her grandmother tried so hard to protect her...yet here she was, buying a necklace that clearly was sketchy from the start.

Lienna: "Oh, don't be sad, my dear. Think of this as an opportunity to bring the black dragon back to life! and with your death, I will take back what's rightfully MINE!" She cleared her throat and straightened herself. "Excuse my behavior; I just get very passionate about these things." Lienna smiled wickedly at Alexandra; Alexandra cringed from how close her face was.

Lienna walked outside the cave that they had been in for the past few days; outside the cave was a beautiful oasis; water flowed down the mountainside, forming a beautiful waterfall that spilled over the edge of the mountain, creating a cloud of mist that obscured the base of the peak. Towering trees surround the area, providing plenty of shade and beauty, while the ground is covered in an array of beautiful, colorful blooms. Lienna took a deep breath of the air. "Ah, isn't the air fresh today? You should sniff the air while you still can, little one because once the blood sun rises, it will be your last."

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