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A woman with vibrant, colorful hair cascading down her back, her dress adorned with petals that swirled in the wind, stormed into the room. "Cerulean!" Helogan's voice thundered, cutting through the air. Her gaze swept over the elegant front room, taking in the scene of lounging women barely dressed. With a disdainful grunt, she pushed past them, clearing a path with little regard for their presence.

Entering the room beyond, she kicked the door open, revealing Cerulean reclining on an elegant bed, surrounded by adoring women. "You useless dragon," she seethed, her rage palpable. "Your complacency amazes me by the second! Drex is out there, growing by the day, and yet you lounge here with women!"

Cerulean waved a dismissive hand, his demeanor irritatingly casual. "Relax, my love. Morga and Morroc are handling things just fine."

Helogan's eyes blazed with fury. "Handle it? They've failed me!" Helogan seethed. "Now they lie in the streets; their bodies rot as we speak! Drex's power only grows. Send your children."

"My children are busy somewhere." With a dismissive gesture, he waved his hand in the air.

"Well since they are busy, then you won't mind doing it yourself then hm?" Helogan said with a smile on her face, though her eyes held a hint of menace.

Cerulean froze for a second before getting off the bed quickly, "I'll send my best children." He said as he rushed out the room.

As the sun cast its warm light over Eleanor and her companions, Helga stood at her doorstep. With a gentle wave, she bid them farewell, "Travel safely Eleanor and her friends."

"We will, ma'am," Aryn assured her, his right hand over his chest in a gesture of respect. As they made their way down the path, Helga's gaze lingered on Eleanor, catching her attention.

"Eleanor, a moment," Helga called softly, her hand resting lightly on Eleanor's shoulder.

Turning to face her, Eleanor met Helga's gaze, her expression guarded. "What?" she asked.

Helga's tone was gentle as she spoke. "Remember, they both knew the danger. It's not your fault."

"..." Eleanor didn't say anything, she just turned around and walked off with her companions.

As the group disappeared from view, Helga and her husband Grecas stood side by side, watching them depart.

As the group walked out of the small village of Jade Fall, they stayed quiet. Aryn couldn't help but feel confused and uneasy from the events of the previous night. While in the chambers with Aurelie, Zander, Nova, and Helga, Aryn was happy to learn more about Eleanor's family heritage and read about Cedric Fotheeth. However, as he was reading the book, he discovered the true cause of Cedric's death. Aryn narrowed his eyes in silence as he looked at Eleanor, and then looked straight ahead. As the group remained silent, Nova spoke in her usual quiet tone, "Where are we going?"

"The heart of Joldak territory, Twin Nekova," Eleanor said with her usual serious voice. "Since we didn't find Eldric in any territory, and I highly doubt that he's in Joldak Imperium, we'll track him with one of Joldak's most precious creatures, Jariq."

"A Jariq, I remember reading about them when I was younger. They are beautiful birds yet very loud and powerful voices," Aurelie said.

"Yes, they're remarkable creatures," Eleanor confirmed, her tone reflective. "Besides of their powerful voices, they also have an innate ability to sense magic, which will be invaluable in our search for Eldric."

Aryn nodded in agreement. "But how do we find a Jariq? I've read they only listen to people who are from and born in the Joldak Imperium."

"We'll get one." That was all Eleanor said, without any explanation. No one spoke anymore; they knew that Eleanor was tenser than usual the moment they arrived at the Joldak territory. One word about Eleanor's family or past, and it would have triggered an explosive reaction from her. 

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