Ryuk, really trying his best to avoid creating a scene in front of everybody, silently nodded his head, "Fine. I'll request Tamaki."

"Your session will begin tomorrow. For now, please leave the room," Tamaki smiled, escorting the hench man out of the room.


The clock on the clocktower struck 5:00 PM. Ouran High School Host Club was officially shut for the night.

As always, each Host collapsed onto one of the many sofas where guests had been sat just minutes before. Relaxed sighs escaped a few of the boys' lips as they began to unwind for the night. Tamaki had loosened his tie from around his neck and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt - nothing too revealing, but enough to make (Y/N)'s face heat up.

Due to the time of year, the sun had already set. Honey's eyes observed the school gardens when a gasp left his mouth all of a sudden. "Guys look! It's snowing!" he excitedly squealed, bouncing around the club room as his friends eagerly appeared at the window. (Y/N) smiled as she watched the tiny white droplets elegantly fall to the ground. The outside seemed so peaceful, while the inside was buzzing with a warm happiness because of the snows appearance.

(Y/N)'s cheeks flushed red as she observed the reflection on the glass. Stood behind her was Tamaki, who's eyes were not fixated on the snow, but at her. Luckily, he hadn't realised she could see him, so (Y/N) could watch his every move. She watched as he smiled at every word she said, she watched as he blushed when she did something cute. It was a nice sight to see.

(Y/N)'s thoughts were brought to a halt when Kyoya decided to speak. "Well, this seasonal weather has prompted my proposal quite nicely." He lead everybody to the large table they had meetings at. Once seated, he continued. "As you all know, apart from (Y/N) - of course, our Winter Ball is drawing near. I think it's only appropriate we discuss plans for that as soon as possible."

The girl's eyes lit up. "Winter Ball?" she repeated inquisitively, although she was pretty sure she already knew what that entailed.

The group proceeded to kindly explain what the Ball was, and what it consisted of. They briefly mentioned some competition they held for the 'best dancer', the winner getting to kiss Tamaki on the cheek as reward for winning. Originally, (Y/N) thought that reward seemed a little beheaded, however she then remembered how much Tamaki's fangirls loved him, which then made the prize seem reasonable.

"That's so exciting! Where do I buy my tickets? I'm so going to win that best dancer reward, just you wait until you see the way I graciously perform the cha-cha slide!" (Y/N) giggled, recalling the times in her childhood she'd attempt to dance but to no avail end up falling flat on her face. Obviously, nobody from the club knew she was joking, causing them to look at her with questioning smirks. Only just realising what she had accidently just said she'd do, (Y/N) glanced to Tamaki apologetically, only to be met with his bright red face. "I- I was only kidding, Tamaki. If I wasn't though, it seems you wouldn't mind," she teased with a wink, causing him to blush around fifty shades deeper.

"You cannot purchase a ticket (Y/N)," Kyoya purred, causing her to look at him. "You know you work for us. You'll be playing violin that night."

At the mention of her violin, Kaoru was quick to jump in with a compliment. "Your music was so beautiful today (Y/N)."

She smiled as the auburn haired boy complimented her. "Thank you, Kaoru! That means a lot. The piece I played was called 'Salu-'"

"Salut d'amour," Tamaki sweetly took over her words, causing a blush to emerge on her cheeks. He smiled at her, which she returned happily. It was unusual for (Y/N) to have somebody in her life who also played a musical instrument, it pleased her she finally had somebody to connect with over a shared love of music. She'd been waiting a long time for someone like Tamaki.

(Y/N) found herself slipping into his eyes, getting lost in the beauty of them. Her thoughts slowed as a pit formed in her stomach - not a bad pit... a good one.



Realising she'd beet quiet for too long, (Y/N) huffed. "Can I still at least have some fun? You all get to dance! What do I get to do? Stand and play violin!" She was talking to Kyoya about the point he'd made earlier. Her point was true, her job was the most boing out of the Host's.

"Trust me, you do not want to be dancing. Last year, my feet ached for months after!" Haruhi complained.

"Don't exaggerate! They stopped hurting like a day after and you know it," Kaoru pointed out, playfully nudging the brunette in the side.

"Plus, you got that fancy tuna didn't you?" Hikaru teased, watching Haruhi's ears perk at the mention of fancy tuna. (Y/N) giggled. If she'd learnt anything about Haruhi, it'd be the fact she adored posh food, more specifically, fancy tuna.

"I take it there's lot of food there then?" (Y/N) asked.

"More than you could imagine!" Honey confirmed with a massive smile. "There's so much yummy cake too, (Y/N). We must try some together this year!" he giggled, bounding over to the girl and hugging her, which she happily returned. Over the time she'd worked with the Host Club, (Y/N) had gotten very used to Honey's clinginess and desire for constant hugs; she was hesitant to give them at first, but now dished them out on the regular.

Tamaki, only now recovering from (Y/N)'s comment earlier, stood up and addressed the table. "I've decided the theme for this year's Ball!" he happily exclaimed, grappling the attention to the group of friends in the room. "I've been very inspired by tonight's weather. I'd like to announce that this year's theme will be..."

(Tiny A/N here! I feel like this chapter was rather lack-luster, I'm kinda running out of things to write LOL. That being said, I know how the story is going to go, I'm just struggling to find things to write about between major plot points - I want this to be a slowburn after all).

(I go back to school tomorrow, and this year is a key year in my education, so Chapters may come out slow due to revision. However, don't forget about this book! I won't, that's for sure. I will make sure it gets completed; as soon as my exams are over or I have some spare time during the time I revise, I'll be sure to write Chapters. Thanks for reading, love ya!)

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