Chapter 77: Finding Bucky

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Steve: Come on.

Evander: Right.

Me and Steve chased after them  as they both jumped off of the building as we jumped off and followed them. They then jumps down to an underground road as we went after them as I was running behind the cat person. I turned to my right to see Steve driving passed me as the cat guy jumps onto the car, I fired a web and pulled my self to him and grabbed him and throws him off, but he got up and went back to running. Bucky was not on a bike and was driving as Sam flew in with the cat guy on him as Bucky threw a bomb on top of the tunnels. It exploded Sam stopped making the cat person launching himself at Bucky slicing the tires as I jumped off the the car and grabbed the person's leg and threw him a bit away as Steve followed me. We are not surrounded by police cars and Warmachine lands down and point his guns at us.

Rhodey: Stand down now.

I was about to turn invisible but I was put into a hold by Cassandra.

Cassandra: Don't even fucking think about it.

Rhodey: Congratulations, Cap, Spidy. You're criminals. 

Steve and Bucky was put on the knees as I struggle to break free but Cassandra's put more pressure in the hold as I saw the cat person remove his helmet to reveal to be the King of Wakanda's son T'Challa also known as the Black Panther.

Rhodey: Your Highness.

(Several Hours Later)

So, me, Steve, Sam, and T'Challa are in a back of a Van as I was sitting on Cassandra's lap as she was still holding me.

Evander: I hate this.....

Cassandra: Shut up and you'll be fine big baby.

Sam: *looks at T'Challa* So you like cats?

Steve: Sam.

Sam: What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat, you don't wanna know more? 

Evander: Your's vibranium? 

T'Challa: The Black Panther had been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. And now because your friend murdered my father...I also wear the mantle of king...So I ask both warrior and long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?

Evander: Long enough when I break free. *tries to but fails* Damnit....

Cassandra: Stop it. You is lucky I ask them not to take your suit off and away.

The driving took a bit longer as we ended up in Berlin and taken to a US government facility. We then get out of the van as Cassandra had a tight grip on my shoulder was we walked up to Sharon and a guy in a suit.

Steve: What's going to happen to him? 

???: Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition.

Sharon: This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander. 

Evander: Can I lawyer or a phone call?

Cassandra: ......

E. Ross: That's funny Shadow Spider. See their weapons are placed in lockup. We'll write you a receipt

Evander: I got no weapons just my suit and I'm keeping it on.

We watched them took Steve's , and Sam's gear.

Sam: I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that. 

We then walk down a hallway.

E. Ross: You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?

Evander: How about a no? *fells pressure on my shoulder* Ow.

Cassandra: Shut up.

Evander: No.

T'Challa: I don;t intend on going anywhere. 

As we was walking Natasha coming towards us and join us walking.

Natasha: For the record, this is what making things worse looks like. 

Steve: He's alive.

We walked inside of the main room to see Tony on the phone talking about consequences. After he was done he walk over to us.

Evander: 'Consequences'? 

Tony: Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted. Had to give him something.

Steve: I'm not getting that shield back, am I? 

Tony and Natasha started to walk off.

Natasha: Technically, it's the government property. Wings and the suit too.

Sam: That's cold.

Evander: They have to take the suit off of my dead body. I made this for my daughter so fuck the government.

Cassandra: I'll talk to them about that. So just get in the office and don't do fucking anything. And I mean anything. *glares at me and walks with Tony and Natasha*

Tony: Warmer than jail.

Evander: Well this is just fucking great and she is pissed at me.

Sam: How can you tell?

Evander: Trust me...I know.

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