Surprise surprise

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Daniel doesn't even believe that himself. She's definitely his type, or well his new type. His ex was a brunette with brown eyes. Of course very beautiful, but compared to Stephanie she was a bit bland.
He never really noticed, but now they are broken up he realized that her personality was a bit bland as well.

In hindsight he doesn't know how they managed to stay in such a long relationship. Probably because he was never home. During winter breaks he would always want to do things, be active. But she would rather be sunbathing on the beach or stay home. Every activity he suggested, like hiking, scuba diving or riding dirt bikes, she would always dismiss before he could even finish his sentence.

Somehow it feels like Stephanie would like to do stuff like that. He could be very wrong though.

"Well I guess you will have to wait until tomorrow to maybe get some information from Christian." Seb says, hoping to drop the subject of Stevie.
"Yeah I hope so."
Daniel looks at the mobile homes that are across the field.

One has a light on and he can see a shadow moving behind the curtains that are in front of the windows. So there's definitely somebody staying there.
The other one is dark, but Seb said there was somebody staying in that one as well.
He shrugs, it doesn't really matter anyways.

"Tina go have fun. They are in bed, I'm sure I can manage my two sleeping kids for the night." Stevie jokes.
Tina was invited by one of the PR girls she met when she was at those two races this year.
They asked her to come have a drink at the hotel and Stevie thinks she should go if she wants.

"But I work for you. I'm here to help you with those two."
Stevie shakes her head.
"I'm not your boss. And if I was, I'm telling you to take the night off and enjoy yourself. Once I actually start working here I'll need you. Right now I'm going to think of some menu ideas so you can do whatever you want. Have fun!"

The young woman still hesitates, she can't just go out while Stevie might need her.
"Go! Do you want to go?" Stevie asks her and she nods.
"Good, then have fun."

After going back and forward in her head if she should actually go and another stern look from Stevie, Tina finally gives in and goes back to her place to get ready. She will only stay a short while and she's not going to drink alcohol. There's no way she will be able to properly look after Zara and Cole if she's hungover.

Not much later she picks up her purse and heads out.
Mollie, one of the girls has made sure there's a taxi waiting for her to bring her to the hotel.
According to Mollie, there are a lot of drivers staying there as well and even though she worked for Christian and saw plenty of those guys walking around, she still gets a bit star struck around them.

If she is lucky, maybe the Ferrari boys will be there. She won't admit it to anybody, but she has a bit of a crush on Charles Leclerc.
She has never seen anybody as handsome as him, but she also feels he would never look twice at her. He can have any model he wants, she's just a nanny.
But still, she can look and admire from a distance.

The taxi is indeed waiting and very soon she is sitting on a table in the hotel bar together with Mollie, Caroline and Ellie.
Mollie is one of the PR girls from Red Bull, Caroline works in media at Williams and Ellie she hasn't met before, but she quickly learns Ellie is one of the social media creators for Ferrari.

"So Tina, I thought you wouldn't be working for Christian anymore. His kids aren't here right?" Mollie asks.
"No, I'm not taking care of his kids anymore. Mrs Horner is home a lot now, so they didn't need me as a nanny. I'm here on a try out for somebody Mr Horner really wants to work for him. She happens to have two small children and I hope I can be their nanny for a long time."

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora