Chapter 35: Halloween

Start from the beginning

Evelyn immediately perks up, "Who wants to get a drink?"

I almost want to laugh at her drastic change in mood. I high five Chip as Evelyn leads us into the house. "Somebody's Watching Me" is blasting throughout the house, and there are so many people with full on costumes that I can't even tell who is who. I have never been to a party like this before.

Chip leads us to the kitchen where we find Freezy.

"Ayy, you lot finally made it," Freezy grins as he hands Chip a drink.

"You guys did not do a couple costume," Evelyn laughs as we see Freezy dressed in a Roller Skating Ken outfit.

"Says the girl who dressed up as a football player to match a guy she hasn't talked to in almost three months," Freezy counters.

"Okay. Damn," Evelyn says, "Point taken."

"Am I going insane or is Evelyn standing in my kitchen right now?" Simon says, causing all of us to turn around.

"Oh shit," Evelyn says before throwing her hands up and shrugging, "Surprise."

"What the fuck?" Simon says happily as he walks over and wraps her in a hug, "How the hell are you here?"

"I flew. Didn't you know I had superpowers?" Evelyn says.

"How could I forget?" Simon replies. He turns to me and says, "If Kyla isn't in this Ghostface costume that's been staring at us, I'll be freaked the fuck out."

I completely forgot about the mask. I slide it down and say, "Guess I wouldn't be the best mystery killer. How'd you know it was me?"

Simon pretends to think before saying, "Maybe because you're the only other person I've ever seen Evelyn talk to."

"Okay, I did not fly all the way to London just to get ridiculed," Evelyn states causing everyone to laugh.

"Does anyone else know you're here?" Simon asks us.

"No one else other than us. We got them on The Fellas," Chip proudly declares.

"There is no way you two went on The Fellas before What's Good," Simon says, clearly offended.

"You never asked," I pointed out, "Now Chip and Freezy get to take all the credit for Chris and Evelyn reuniting."

"I fucked up," Simon sighs, "But I know Talia is going to lose her head when she sees you two here."

"Do you know where she is?" I ask, feeling instantly excited at the thought of seeing her.

"Follow me," Simon nods.

Evelyn and I follow Simon to an empty room in the house. He tells us to wait there, and runs out to get Talia. Moments later, he leads Talia into the room with his hands over her eyes.

"Simon, you know I hate surprises," Talia says as he tells her to keep her eyes closed.

"Hopefully you don't hate this one. You can look now," Simon tells her. She opens her eyes and nearly shrieks when she sees me and Evelyn. She runs over to us and gathers us in a group hug as we laugh.

"Oh my God, how long have you been here?" Talia asks.

"We've only been at the party for about ten minutes, but we arrived in London two days ago. We thought we would surprise everyone," I say, unable to keep the smile off my face.

"I can't believe you're here right now. Does Harry know?" Talia asks before glancing over at Evelyn, "Does Chris know?"

Evelyn shakes her head, "No one knows other than you, Simon, Chip, and Freezy."

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