Chapter 60 Simulation

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Chen Jiayu actually hasn’t touched an animated model for a while. In the systematic training of pilots, there are fifteen classes for solid models and ten classes for dynamic models. In fact, Wang Runze only attended eight classes. So Chen Jiayu led him to consolidate simple tasks first, such as takeoff, landing, circling, alternate landing, go-around, etc., mainly to familiarize himself with the real control feeling of the aircraft. Then, Chen Jiayu saw that he had a good grasp, so he asked: "What about some difficult projects?"

Wang Runze nodded: "No problem."

Chen Jiayu took him and flew again. The single engine failed. Then, several common emergency items such as thunderstorm extreme weather preparation and cargo hold fire were also carried out. Wang Runze had not learned this in class, but following Chen Jiayu's control of the plane, he just flipped through the QRH and read the checklist, and he completed it smoothly.

At this time, Chen Jiayu glanced at him, and then asked: "Would you like... to try something else."

Of course Wang Runze agreed immediately. He didn't understand what Chen Jiayu meant by "other", but he looked at the scene for a long time and then locked on the last one. After entering the simulation mode, the aircraft flew steadily in the stratosphere over the South China Sea. The ZSPD on the navigation guide was the airport code name of Shanghai Pudong. Then, a main warning of engine failure sounded in the simulation cabin, and the N1 engine thrust slipped to 0%, followed by another engine.

Wang Runze said softly "Oh" - he understood. Chen Jiayu found a simulation of the accident scene of Flight 416 that took off from Jakarta. Although he was flying an Airbus A330 at that time, he has obviously now simulated accident scenarios suitable for the Boeing 737. They were all twin-engine aircraft, but now they have lost two engines and are basically in the state of a glider.

Chen Jiayu held the joystick between his legs with both hands, and his palms were slightly sweaty. Even if it is a simulator flight, the dynamic simulation simulates the effects of the fuselage shaking and bumping. All the instruments and mechanical sounds are infinitely close to reality, even the final scenery - basically except for the consciousness in your mind that this is a simulation. Other than that, there are no distortion elements. In the cockpit, the warning sound was still deafening. One second, two seconds...for about two or three seconds, his mind went blank.

However, Wang Runze reacted very quickly. He already had the aura of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Now seeing Chen Jiayu standing still, he thought that Chen Jiayu was deliberately testing his reaction ability, so he said loudly: "I'll fly." Then he answered. Passed the right to pilot the aircraft.

Chen Jiayu also entered the state at this time. He had no objection and continued: "You fly. I will do the engine failure checklist." Then, step by step, he tried to re-ignite the No. 1 engine, and then the No. 2 engine. Engine, slowly increase thrust after ignition.

Wang Runze monitors the instruments to keep the plane flying smoothly. They are still connected to autopilot, so the pilot's own control requirements are not high. This time, Chen Jiayu pushed N2 to 50%. The Boeing 737 scene simulation shows that the advantage compared to the Airbus 330 is that it is a narrow-body, medium- and short-range passenger aircraft. It is light in weight and can stop taxiing without a runway of more than 3,000 meters. He calculated the descent rate, then kept the engine at 50%, and finally landed at Hong Kong International Airport at more than 190 knots. The simulated crash landing was successful.

"Oh, I was so nervous just now." Wang Runze rubbed his wrist and said to Chen Jiayu.

Chen Jiayu nodded and said to him, "You did a good job." But he was not very satisfied with himself. In the first two or three seconds, he could feel his fear and hesitation. Although any experienced pilot who encounters a major accident will initially go through a process of panic and recovery. But Chen Jiayu's requirements for himself are higher than this. He can't panic and he can't make mistakes. Before this moment, this feeling was a dark cloud hanging above his head, but now the simulation made it invisible and unfolded in front of his eyes very concretely. Although it was only for a moment, this feeling made him shiver all over. Fortunately, he quickly adjusted after that.

Descent from an altitude of 10,000 meters [MTL] (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang