Chapter 82 Ending

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three years ago.

December 11, 2015, Beijing, China World Trade Center.

Fang Hao worked the night shift at the Capital Airport the day before and was now suffering from jet lag. He and Lu Jiawei lived together in his one-bedroom apartment in Guomao. The apartment was small and not suitable for two grown men, so they had many quarrels over this.

Now was one of those times. After he came home in the morning, Lu Jiawei had to go to work. They had just had an argument, and then Lu Jiawei patted his butt and went to work.

The trigger for the quarrel was actually very small. Fang Hao has been busy on duty these two days. He used a lot of tableware and plates when cooking. Lu Jiawei, who was supposed to be resting at home in the evening, was supposed to clean them up, but he just left them at home and didn't clean them up for two days. This was not the first time, and Fang Hao was not afraid to mention it to him. However, Lu Jiawei did not apologize or stand up to clean up. Instead, he said: I told you, I will order takeout for whatever you want to eat next time, or you can pay it back. I have to wash the dishes, what a hassle.

Fang Hao remembered that he frowned and argued with Lu Jiawei - he said, this is not the problem. If you didn't want to wash the dishes, you brought it up at the time. Now that the meal is done and you eat it, you don't have any objection. , when you have to do housework, you start to have objections?

Lu Jiawei started to say that he didn't say anything at the time because he was afraid of damaging your enthusiasm. Fang Hao couldn't listen anymore and asked him to go to work.

But he knew that the conflict between them did not end there. Lu Jiawei kept saying that he loved him, but Fang Hao felt that his words seemed to be executing some kind of program. He always lacks interest when he and she are in the same room, and the two of them can't find anything in common. Lu Jiawei is often looking at his mobile phone or computer. They have been living together for almost half a year. It stands to reason that these things that have not been reconciled well will take longer to adjust.

But recently, there have been new variables in his life. Because Daxing Airport was completed and opened to traffic, Lu Yan, who was also a controller at the Capital Airport, asked Fang Hao privately if he wanted to go to Daxing with her. Lu Yan was a senior who had personally led him before the tower approached the area. Fang Hao was not familiar with her, but he respected her and was indeed considering her proposal carefully. He also knew that the transfer itself was a horizontal transfer and would not immediately give him a promotion or a salary increase. But with the same professional title level, a few of them will go to Daxing to take charge of the approach, which is also beneficial to his career development and may lead to a smoother career in the future. Lu Yan said, if you want to come together, just tell me and I will send a message to the leader. She is two years older than him, is very popular, and is a good talker in North China Control. Of course, Fang Hao trusts her 100%. He also realized that this decision meant that he would probably have to move out of Lu Jiawei's apartment, because Daxing was too far away from Guomao, and he usually had a hard time going to work, and it was impossible to spend two hours traveling there and back. Their relationship has entered a stagnant bottleneck period, and Fang Hao knows that it does not seem to be a good omen for him to move away at this moment. Therefore, he delayed giving Lu Yan a reply for three weeks.

That day, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up. He picked up his phone and looked at it. He saw that several controlled WeChat groups were exploding. His other groups were all muted, but the one he was in The emergency work group also kept ringing. He opened it and read it. At first glance, he looked fine, but at second glance, he stood up from the sofa - Air China flight 416 from Jakarta to Shanghai had a serious malfunction, both engines failed, and successfully made an emergency landing in Hong Kong.

Descent from an altitude of 10,000 meters [MTL] (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora