Chapter 52 New Year

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Although December 30th is not the official date of New Year's Eve, Fang Hao still went to prepare seriously. He referred to the itinerary to Japan marked in Chen Jiayu's calendar. He would leave two days after the Chinese New Year. During this period, it would also be the Spring Festival travel rush. It was the busiest time of the year for the control and flight crews. It was estimated that there would be a month or two. It's hard to spend quality time with him, so today is one of the few times I can relax and celebrate and be alone.

He didn't go to work during the day on the 30th. He spent the day at home tidying up the house. He went to a home furnishing store and bought a new carpet for the living room. On the way to buy the carpet, he also spotted a few small candle-shaped lamps. I bought it and planned to have a candlelight dinner. This time, he told Chen Jiayu that he would go shopping in person instead of ordering fresh fruits and vegetables from his house. Although it was easier, it would be more expensive, so he would buy it himself when he had time.

Chen Jiayu's instructions were quite simple, cooking and having sex. But indeed, one nourishes the taste buds, and the other nourishes the body and soul. The happiest thing in the world is just that simple. Fang Hao didn't intend to let him cook alone. He marinated some beef the night before and changed the discs in the vinyl record player. It was his favorite jazz music with great feeling. After preparing everything, he went to wash After taking a bath, I waited on the sofa for the sound of Chen Jiayu taking the key and entering the door. He now has keys and access control, and no longer has to call Fang Hao to ask him to open the door.

From six o'clock to six-thirty, there was still no movement from Chen Jiayu's side. Fang Hao felt a little strange. Even if he has the key, he will usually inform himself when he goes on the road. It was almost seven o'clock when Fang Hao received a message on his WeChat: "My mother has something to do and I will go to the hospital with her. It may be late."

Fang Hao's heart sank. He was first worried about Chen Jiayu's situation, and then said to him: "Well, don't worry, just let me know when you come over."

After about half an hour, there was still no response from Chen Jiayu. He became even more uncertain and sent a message: "Is it serious?" Then there was no reply.

When Chen Jiayu was about to go to Fang Hao's house, he was called home by a call from Chen Zheng - Cao Hui had difficulty breathing. Although she just felt something was wrong, Chen Jiayu did not dare to neglect and called an ambulance to the hospital on the spot. At that time, I told Fang Hao to "come later", but this was also a delaying tactic. Of course, he still hopes to go there no matter how late it is, but subconsciously he already knows that he may have to miss the appointment this time. Sure enough, by the time everything was settled, it was past eight o'clock. The condition is not serious, and one night of observation should be enough, but at this point, it is impossible for him to leave his mother and Chen Zheng in the hospital alone.

Chen Zheng was always by his side, so it was difficult for him to make phone calls, so he simply sent a WeChat message saying sorry, but he might not be able to make it tonight. Fang Hao was a little worried on the phone and asked: "Make a call?"

Chen Jiayu apologized again: "It may be inconvenient because I'm still outside. Sorry."

Then he said, "I'll supply you later."

Fang Hao sighed. In fact, it was not him who thought about this issue in the first place, but Chen Jiayu. If you ask him alone, every day can be a holiday, and living quietly with each other is very satisfying. But he wasn't unaware of the situation at Chen Jiayu's side. He thought, how about he cook a meal, then accommodate Chen Jiayu and take it to his house to eat. There is no need for a romantic candlelight dinner or any sense of ceremony, just an ordinary night. Eating something delicious and saying something warm is better than making money.

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