Chapter 17 Birthday Song

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Fang Hao is a person who can control the pace of life very well. After the radar failure, he knew that he was not in good condition, so he called Guo Zhifang to transfer his shift. He was actually very embarrassed, because Guo Zhifang was already more than seven months pregnant, and he used to be able to leave her alone without bothering her. But today is really a special situation, and Fang Hao himself knows that doing their job is not like ordinary work, and the fault tolerance rate is almost zero. A bad controller is like a ticking time bomb. He is not in good condition and has no idea, so he naturally asks for leave and transfers. He is responsible for himself and everyone around him. Even though he usually never asks for help for big or small things, his own face should be put second in front of flight safety.

Yesterday, he chatted with Chen Jiayu for half an hour. He didn't say goodbye to Chen Jiayu until the tower duty room called to say that the master electrician had come. When he was leaving, Chen Jiayu conjured up a paper bag out of nowhere and insisted on asking him to take the other blueberry muffin away, but he reluctantly accepted it. On the way home, the car was filled with the scent of laurel cake, and he was a little hungry after smelling it all the way, so he ate two bites of the cake on the way home. While eating the cake, he thought, it seems that it is necessary to get to know Chen Jiayu again. He is not as refined and self-interested as he imagined, taking advantage of all the benefits, and demanding special treatment everywhere. Even if I invited him out today for the purpose of getting close to me, talking to him really made my pressure a little less. Moreover, whether a person is sincere or not can also be felt in the chat. At least, during the half hour, Chen Jiayu who sat opposite him was very real and sincere.

Before leaving, Fang Hao asked Chen Jiayu about his schedule for the next few days. When Chen Jiayu said "it's still Shenzhen and Shanghai", he intentionally asked, "Which flights are there in Shenzhen?"

Chen Jiayu said that he couldn't remember it for a while, but it should be the original time he used to fly frequently, so he had to go back and send it to him. Fang Hao waved his hand and said no, in fact, he didn't think about asking what he was going to do. Chen Jiayu was quite self-righteous: "What's the matter, you want to invite me to dinner?" Although this was a joke, he felt in his heart that the other party asked him about his schedule, wasn't it just to find himself?

Fang Hao originally wanted to make a joke and refused, but after thinking about it carefully, Chen Jiayu was off work and would not return home, so he came to comfort himself, maybe he wanted to treat him to a meal. So he said: "Well, thank you for today, let's treat you to dinner another day."

After returning home, he was about to forget about it, but he received a message from Chen Jiayu: [Fly to 3307 on Thursday, 1462 on Friday. 】

When Fang Hao saw 1462, his left eyelid twitched - no way, such a coincidence? It was the 7:00 p.m. flight that Fang Shengjie booked on Friday night. He has been approaching in Daxing for almost two years. Before Chen Jiayu flew international routes, he sometimes flew from Daxing, but they had no intersection at all. But since we got to know each other, we have been running into each other for more than a month, first at parties, then at the airport, and often in the wave channel, and now Fang Shengjie can book a plane ticket together.

He gradually formed a plan in his mind, but he didn't plan to tell Chen Jiayu, he planned to wait until their flight landed.

On Friday, Fang Hao was on day shift. Because of the radar incident and Guo Zhifang's transfer, he was on duty on Thursday, went home to sleep for a few hours, and came back after taking a shower. Guo Zhifang came to see his schedule, and said that he would continue to switch with her on Friday and continue to work the night shift, so that he could have more rest time. But Fang Hao's shift on Friday was specially adjusted, because his brother Fang Shengjie's flight arrived at night, so he could pick him up and go home with him.

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