Chapter 16 Radar

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After a day's rest, Chen Jiayu was about to carry out the mission from Beijing to Shanghai. The conversation with Chang Bin that day made him a little irritable, and he tossed and turned for two consecutive nights without much sleep. At six o'clock in the morning, the weather was a little cloudy, and the autumn morning in Beijing was gray. He went to his parents' house because it was too early and his mother was still up. Father went downstairs for a walk. He cooked a pumpkin porridge for his mother, threw all kinds of rice, miscellaneous grains and a few pieces of pumpkin into the rice cooker, set the timer, and then went to the bedroom to see her peaceful sleeping face. In recent months, it's been like a silent ritual, bringing him moments of peace.

This time he flew the 747, and the co-pilot with him was Yue Dachao, who was also based in Beijing. He had more than a thousand hours of 747 flying experience, so it was a relatively easy task for two people to fly one by one and the other to return.

Chen Jiayu took the lead on the flight, and the journey went smoothly. The things he was worried about last night because he couldn't sleep did not come true. The weather in Shanghai is very good, and the landing is directly floating, smooth and smooth. According to the flight crew, many passengers applauded him the moment he landed, and Yue Dachao also let out a wow.

But on the way back, it caught up with local heavy rainfall. This time, Chen Jiayu sat in the co-pilot and asked about the weather in North China on the channel. The Beijing District Commissioner said that the weather at Daxing Airport was okay, but there were a few planes that could not land at the Capital Airport, and they all ran to Daxing to prepare for landing.

Yue Dachao regretted his fuel saving award this month. Chen Jiayu comforted him and said: "As long as the weather is good, it's okay to have a few more backup planes. Let them all line up behind us."

Yue Dachao agreed: "That's right, anyway, their fuel-saving award has already gone, and the company should discuss it internally to protect us."

Chen Jiayu smiled, but Fang Hao was in his mind, and he hadn't met him at the airport for the past few days. He still heard from Zheng Xiaoxu from Chu Yirou that he was quite busy recently.

Wang Zhanbo was originally on duty today, the weather was a bit cloudy, and the visibility was around 900 meters, which was not good, but not bad either. After Fang Hao and the others received the weather report of heavy rainfall and strong airflow from the Capital Airport, they made preparations-once there is such weather, the flight from the Capital Airport will definitely come to Daxing to make an alternate landing, so that there will be a traffic peak.

Today, Guo Zhifang is not here, and Fang Hao is the oldest in the entire approach control room. This is actually not the first time such a thing has happened, and Fang Hao is used to it. When the traffic increased, he changed places with Wang Zhanbo, and Wang Zhanbo sat behind him and took notes while watching.

In the air-conditioned room, Fang Hao stuck to the microphone, commanding and dispatching the flight every sentence.

"South 1577, wait at JVN point, maintain altitude 5000, estimated approach 31 minutes."

"JVN hold, hold altitude 5000, estimated approach 31 min. 1577 south."

"Shanghai Airlines 7318, keep altitude 3100, turn left heading 300, slow down to 180."

"Keep at 3100, turn left and head toward 300, slow down at 180, and take Shanghai Airlines 7318."

"Shenlu 4355, keep the altitude at 6200 and pass DULES."

Descent from an altitude of 10,000 meters [MTL] (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt