Chapter 46 Tower

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Recently, the controllers at Daxing Airport noticed that Fang Hao's mood seemed to have improved a lot. He always had a serious look on his face when he was working, and would not say a word of unnecessary nonsense. He would just pick up his bag and leave after get off work. Now he occasionally smiles and joins in the chats with his colleagues after work. Those who are familiar with Fang Hao, such as Chu Yirou and Fu Zixiang, know the reasons for these changes, while others who have only a partial understanding of them, such as Fang Hao's newly-registered apprentice Wang Zhanbo, know the reason.

Now, Wang Zhanbo is standing at the E17 gate, carrying a lunch box. Air China's Boeing 737-800 flew from Bao'an, Shenzhen. The wheel chocks and cones had just been placed, and the maintenance staff gestured to align the bridge. After about ten minutes, I saw the flight attendants and crew walking out of the boarding gate. Of course the person he was waiting for was among them.

Most of the time, Chen Jiayu's height is easy to recognize. With the four bars on his shoulders and these flying sunglasses, Wang Zhanbo saw him at a glance and waved to him and said, "Brother Jia."

Chen Jiayu paused for a moment, then remembered who Wang Zhanbo was - he had only met him once or twice before.

Wang Zhanbo came closer and handed the lunch box to Chen Jiayu: "My master is busy today. He couldn't get down to his seat, so he asked me to do it for him." Wang Zhanbo became more likely to speak when he was nervous. He explained: "The microwave oven in our duty room is a bit unstable. I will call more." It's been a minute, it should still be hot now."

The cause of this incident was actually that Chen Jiayu went to his house to cook braised pork again the day before under Fang Hao's coercion and inducement. He cooked too much braised pork and the two of them didn't finish it all at once. Chen Jiayu sighed and said that he still wants to eat it tomorrow, but on the second day, he still wanted to eat it. He had to stay overnight in Shenzhen the next night, so he couldn't eat. Fang Hao had an idea and said that instead of taking three flights tomorrow and returning to Daxing in the middle, Fang Hao would bring you food at that time and you could eat it on the plane. Chen Jiayu originally thought it was too troublesome, but Fang Hao was a very sincere person. He rolled up his sleeves and started packing the boxes without letting Chen Jiayu refuse. He said, I'll give it to you, I don't mind the trouble, so don't bother me.

Chen Jiayu accepted and tried to bribe him: "Ask the tower to give me a taxiing seat closer to the plane. I will be hungry for dinner at two o'clock."

Fang Hao still tried to be fair and impartial: "This is really not my business. I will only care about your food, okay." Chen Jiayu accepted it.

In fact, his return landing today was directed by Fang Hao. He didn't say anything in the wave at that time, so Chen Jiayu thought everything was as usual and expected Fang Hao to come over in person and see him again before going to Shenzhen. Unexpectedly, he asked his apprentice to do it for him.

Knowing that if he didn't come over, he must be too busy, and Chen Jiayu understood. He took off his sunglasses, took the lunch box, thanked Wang Zhanbo, exchanged greetings with him and returned to the plane.

This was the fourth of his six takeoffs and landings today. He was accompanied by his old partner Yue Dachao, and Yue Dachao was also the main pilot on the return trip. After he returned with his lunch box, he sat on the plane and started eating. The aroma and heat of the food wafted over. Yue Dachao, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, signed the technical record book and the cabin record book with a sad face: "Brother Jia, I'm hungry again after you've eaten this meal."

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