Chapter 32 First Love

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Chen Jiayu put Fang Hao at the door of his building again. This time Fang Hao didn't stay long. He felt that everything related to Chen Jiayu was quite dangerous - he went from accepting him with an open heart, to being confused by his sudden indifference, to being moved by his change of heart and taking the initiative to show his kindness. Every step he takes seems to be led by the other party's nose, and everything is unpredictable. He hasn't understood the other party's full intentions, nor has he figured out the bottom line of his own principles. Therefore, this time he did not give me a hug, and he no longer hesitated. He said good night and went upstairs quickly. Chen Jiayu was left behind, sighing softly in the car where the temperature was getting colder. He wanted to drag Fang Hao to chat for a while to see if he could let go. But in his heart, he was still thinking about discussing the treatment plan with his mother, and he had to send the car for maintenance at night, so he had no choice but to hit the road first.

After Fang Hao returned home, the first thing he did was to take out his mobile phone and send a WeChat message to Zhou Qichen, thanking him for his help in giving him gifts, and also apologizing for his rather sloppy matchmaking before.

After Zhou Qichen received the news, he also sighed. Fang Hao suddenly had an idea and sent his business card to Lang Feng, and then Lang Feng actually came to add him as a friend. When he received the friend application, he was confused and thought he had bought some lucky lottery tickets last night. , won the first prize this morning. After he added his friends and Lang Feng himself came forward to explain that Fang Hao had introduced him, he roughly figured out the reason. He just thought it was an unintentional comment he made at Lu Yan's farewell dinner that Fang Hao took seriously.

However, Lang Feng is indeed handsome and upright. I heard that he grew up in Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Shanghai. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and can speak four languages: Chinese, English, Dutch and German. He is also a public figure. A captain who comes out as gay and receives support from his parents, colleagues and friends is like a male protagonist who comes out of a romantic drama. Zhou Qichen feels that he is not at a disadvantage whether he is making friends or talking about friends.

As a result, the two of them didn't even say a few words, but Lang Feng asked him, does Fang Hao like anything?

Maybe he was afraid that he would misunderstand, so the other party explained: In order to thank him for commanding us to make an emergency landing during the approach, I planned to give him a gift as a thank you, but I didn’t know him well and couldn’t think of what to give him.

Zhou Qichen finally gave some advice, saying that I know that Fang Hao likes four things: running, photography, his younger brother, and airplane models. The first three related things are not easy to get. How about you get him a KLM aircraft model.

Lang Feng thought for a while and found that KLM's current fleet of aircraft was similar to that of major domestic airlines. He should have no shortage of these main models from Airbus and Boeing. The one he could think of that was more unique and worthy of collection was Air France Air France. The Concorde airliner of the year. With Zhou Qichen's help, he figured it out in one minute.

Poor Zhou Qichen, he was trying to figure out whether Lang Feng wanted to buy a special gift to pursue Fang Hao, and he was using himself as a spare tire. Of course he didn't know that it was precisely because Lang Feng had given up on this plan that he introduced his friends to each other.

Therefore, when Lang Feng decided to send the Concorde model, turned around to express his gratitude to Zhou Qichen, and asked him to have a cup of coffee at the airport, Zhou Qichen said very confidently and calmly: Forget it, no date.

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