Chapter 7 Blind Drop

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The next night, Chen Jiayu flew to Guangzhou, rested for a while and continued to fly back from Guangzhou. This time, he was flying a relatively young pilot who had only spent more than 200 hours flying the 737, so Chen Jiayu had to take the lead. Taking care of newcomers is always more tiring than the old ones. Flying with an experienced co-pilot like Xu Hengchuan, the two of them can not say a word except to carry out the checklist, but with newcomers, you have to take more care and teach them about special situations. How to deal with it. The newcomer this time is Yang Wei'an, a very enthusiastic young man. Just a few years ago, Chen Jiayu went to their flight academy to give a lecture, so Yang Wei'an asked him left and right.

After the heroic deeds of Chen Jiayu's forced landing in Hong Kong spread throughout the country, the leaders wanted him to take on more responsibility for leading the younger generation. He went to the pilot training base for training, giving lectures and arranging meetings. In the past year, he had done this no less than three or four times. And not only those within his own company, but also his father's old comrades in other civil aviation companies also want to invite him because of their connections. But when his father asked him about something, he couldn't say a word, so he had to go too.

What he has always strived for is to be a human being who can do everything, so he will do whatever he can to others' requests, and rarely refuse. However, subjectively, he didn't want to keep mentioning the incident two years ago. One is because he and Chang Bin just did everything right according to the regulations, including letting all the passengers get off the plane first before they can get off the plane. As a pilot, there is no such thing as "sacrificing oneself to save everyone" as advertised feat. Another reason is psychological. Every time he told this story, he had to re-experience the tens of minutes of horror in the air.

However, he knew it was his own problem. Faced with such enthusiasm and enthusiasm as Yang Wei'an, he can only deliver, answer all his questions, and agree to all his requests.

Before takeoff, Yang Wei'an signed the flight slip for him, and then added: "By the way, Brother Jia, I'm afraid I'll forget it after landing. Can I add you on WeChat." He took out his phone while talking.

Chen Jiayu lowered his head and signed his name with an electronic pen on the flight slip. This pause caused Yang Wei'an to think that the other party was about to refuse: "Well, it's okay if it's inconvenient..."

Chen Jiayu looked up at him, and also took out his mobile phone: "Come on, you scan me or I scan you."

Yang Wei'an scanned his QR code, and then smiled happily: "I will report to my girlfriend when I go back. She asks me every day if I have flown with you. I always said that I just graduated so I don't have a chance. You don't fly domestic routes, I didn't expect it to be your turn like this,..."

Yang Wei'an was a chatterbox, but Chen Jiayu didn't find it annoying, he was used to being quiet, and it was quite lively to have someone chattering in his ear all the time.

When Yang Wei'an mentioned adding friends on WeChat, he reminded Chen Jiayu that he hadn't "apologized" to Fang Hao yet. He quickly clicked on the business card that Lu Yan had sent before, and sent a friend application, but it was not approved when he took off. Maybe he is on duty today, Chen Jiayu silently calculated, the night shift happens to be right now.

Two hours later, his guess was confirmed.

Chen Jiayu said on VHF: "Beijing approach, good evening, Air China 8182, altitude 5000, follow your command."

After a while, there was the familiar lazy voice with a Beijing accent: "Air China 8182, Beijing, radar identification. AW point 03 approach, runway...17 right, subscript 4000 hold."

Descent from an altitude of 10,000 meters [MTL] (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя