Chapter 30 Concord

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On Thursday night, Chen Jiayu didn't sleep well all night because he had to go to the hospital the next day. Various possibilities ran through his mind like a movie. As soon as he closed his eyes, Cao Hui was in the past of his life. The scenes of thirty-three years kept flashing back. What is his father doing now? Was he going through pain and suffering like him, or was he silently accepting it?

The only thing that made him feel a little relieved and comforted was probably his reaction when sending Fang Hao to the airport that day. Chen Jiayu felt that what he said was clear enough. The words "I have someone I like" are like a depth bomb in anyone's ears, and the aftermath can ripple all night long. After Chen Jiayu dropped the bomb, he watched Fang Hao's reaction from the side, and then he intuitively felt that it was somewhat interesting.

Logically speaking, Fang Hao did not respond to his words, did not tease, gossip or interfere with the matter between him and Kong Xinyi. But it was precisely because of the lack of response that Chen Jiayu secretly felt that something was wrong. If it were another straight friend who heard this gossip next to him, he would definitely make fun of it. Of course, one reason that cannot be ruled out is that Fang Hao does not want to pry into other people's privacy at will. He feels that this is crossing the line. But after these two days, they had talked about no matter how uncomfortable the topic was, and he didn't feel that there was any separation between the two of them. Therefore, there is only one remaining reason, that is, Fang Hao deliberately avoided talking about it. I didn’t talk about it on purpose just because I felt guilty.

On Friday afternoon, he drove Chen Zheng to the hospital. Along the way, they didn't exchange any words about how they had spent the night before, and the atmosphere was very dull. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor showed them a bunch of test results and orders. The medical terminology made people dizzy, but the final conclusion was simple: now that we have reached this cut-off point, let the patients and their families choose the length of life or life. the quality of. Maintaining the status quo and continuing chemotherapy is a common medical method, but it will also bring corresponding side effects, making the patient's fragile body even more unbearable, seriously affecting the quality of life, and living in pain. Cao Hui had a severe reaction to the treatment before and needed to be hospitalized. Now, when some cancer cells have metastasized to the lymph nodes, you can choose conservative treatment without continuing chemotherapy.

In fact, this was similar to what Chen Jiayu expected the night before. There was no miracle or luck. In front of him were his mother's test samples, laboratory data, and cold medical facts. He felt a little uncomfortable, so he excused himself to go to the bathroom and stood up for a walk outside.

Finally, it was Chen Zheng who walked outside to meet him, stopped him and said, "If you have anything else to do, we'll be busy later. Let's go inside to sign first." Chen Jiayu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said, "What are you signing?" Chen Jiayu said Zheng actually didn't notice that he was in a bad mood, but thought he was taking a work or personal call. Chen Jiayu also thinks this is ridiculous. His father could chat with him all night about the performance of the 737, but now he can't guess what the other is thinking.

Chen Zheng said matter-of-factly: "The family notification letter for the next course of treatment."

Chen Jiayu understood now that for Chen Zheng, this was not a decision at all. In other words, he had already made this decision for Cao Hui and did not want to involve her at all. He lamented that they wanted to go too far, but the immediate issues still needed to be resolved, so he objected: "It's up to my mother to decide whether to continue treatment or not, not the two of us."

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