Chapter 21 Landing Light

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Just as the root problem of all aviation accidents is always a few cents part, the cause of big problems is often too small.

Nothing else happened during the flight with Duan Jingchu. Maybe Duan Jingchu was scared when he was taxiing. In the second half of the flight, he followed the procedures obediently. The atmosphere in the cockpit was a bit awkward. The two of them didn't say much at cruising altitude. sentence. However, Chen Jiayu was so happy that his ears were at peace at this moment. There were four round trips from Beijing to Hong Kong, and they were already on the last trip, and the mission would be completed soon. He needed some time to adjust his emotions. Maybe chatting with Cao Hui again would make him feel less uncomfortable.

This time, Chen Jiayu was the co-pilot and Duan Jingchu flew back to Beijing Daxing. When he arrived at Beijing, he dialed in the frequency and heard a muffled voice over there - it was the same control as last time, not Fang Hao. He smiled secretly, not knowing what he was expecting. He had been so abnormal recently.

He glanced at Duan Jingchu, who was obediently flying around according to the procedure. He began executing the final approach checklist as he had done thousands of times before.

"Approach procedures."

"Approach procedure confirmed."

"Approach settings."

"Approach setup completed."


"Airspeed 220 knots."


"EICAS has checked." Duan Jingchu answered a little too quickly. Chen Jiayu paused. He was wondering if he had really checked? He turned his head to check that the engine and alarm system instruments were all normal, but said nothing and continued reading.

"Landing light."

"Landing lights on."


"Spoilers ahead."

"Automatic braking."

"Autobrake is set."


"Flaps 5 degrees."

Duan Jingchu flew the plane even though it was raining heavily in Beijing, but the plane still flew smoothly.

Chen Jiayu thought, he was about to go home.

"Beijing Daxing Tower, good evening, Air China 3146, Channel 04 is established."

Chu Yirou was on the other side of the tower frequency. She quickly confirmed the landing runway of Chen Jiayu and the others: "Air China 3146, Daxing tower, blind landing on runway 04. Corrected sea pressure 998."

After a while, Chu Yirou suddenly opened the channel: "Air China 3146, your landing lights are not on."

There was a buzz in Chen Jiayu's mind - his first reaction was to check the landing light. The landing light was on the main driver's side of the control panel. It was not convenient for Chen Jiayu to see it, but when he turned his body sideways, he saw it. , the indicator light is off.

"Uh... turn on the landing lights." Duan Jingchu was also embarrassed and raised his hand to turn on the landing lights.

The fact that the landing lights were not turned on alone was not a major safety hazard. One of the functions of landing lights is to help other pilots visually see other aircraft at night. Under the premise that the density of flight takeoffs and landings is relatively small and there is a tower and approach command, it is impossible to cause a major accident just because the landing lights are not turned on. However, this was a step in the checklist. Chen Jiayu read it, but Duan Jingchu kept saying that he had implemented it, but he did not. This can reflect whether a pilot complies with regulations. This mistake is very serious. Chen Jiayu thought that he had realized that Duan Jingchu was unreliable when he set off from Beijing in the morning. If he had seriously harassed Kong Xinyi at that time, he could have reported him and hired another co-pilot to take over temporarily. That incident actually speaks volumes.

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