Chapter 23 Another day

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Chu Yirou comforted Fang Hao, then stood up and left. Fang Hao was sitting in Koza in a daze. When he stood up and wanted to leave, he suddenly saw that Chen Jiayu had not gone far, but was standing in the brightly lit hall of the terminal. Next to him is not the three-striped Yue Dachao, but a tall and beautiful female flight attendant. The two were chatting and laughing. From this angle, only the girl could be seen. The female flight attendant was smiling. After a while, the two took out their mobile phones - they seemed to be scanning a code to add friends. Fang Hao looked at them like this for a while, and then decided to go up and ask Chen Jiayu again. He is not good at sending messages and feels that he cannot express himself clearly, but it would be better to meet him in person. This time, it's impossible for Chen Jiayu to turn around and run away, right?

He thought for a while, it didn't seem good to show up empty-handed, so he turned back to koza, ordered a latte, and walked over with it in his hand.

This week, Chen Jiayu's schedule is very good. After flying to Hong Kong twice, it seemed that God had opened his eyes and arranged for him quite easily. He almost never landed late. He and Yue Dachao got off the plane and were chatting when they saw Kong Xinyi walking past him wearing a flight attendant uniform. Kong Xinyi recognized him, and he also saw Kong Xinyi and waved politely. Unexpectedly, Kong Xinyi said hello to several female flight attendants around her, and then turned back to look for him.

When Yue Dachao saw such a beautiful woman with long flowing hair coming to look for her, he understood and immediately found an opportunity to leave first.

Kong Xinyi greeted me first and said politely: "Captain Chen, on flight 3146 that day... thank you very much."

After Chen Jiayu took off that day, he hurriedly ran to the tower. The two of them didn't speak to each other, so he naturally responded thoughtfully and appropriately: "No need to thank me, Xinyi, what he did at that time was inappropriate."

Kong Xinyi saw that his attitude was so supportive of her, and she was naturally grateful: "You said that, I'm really...well, I flew with him once before, and that was like this."

Chen Jiayu nodded and said firmly: "If you want to report it to the human resources, you can tell them my name and let them ask me any questions."

Kong Xinyi hummed. When she saw that Chen Jiayu hadn't left, she asked more: "After the flight that day... nothing happened, right?" After flying to Daxing that day, the two captains, Chen Jiayu and Duan Jingchu, left in a hurry and did not appear again. She had been working as a flight attendant in the terminal for several years, so she naturally felt that something was wrong.

Chen Jiayu had no intention of concealing anything and just said: "Hey, Vice-Pilot Duan did not turn on the landing lights when he landed, so we were called by the tower to write an accident report. It's not what you did before."

Kong Xinyi sighed, and after a while, she felt a little funny again: "It's really troublesome." She didn't dare to say more. After all, Duan Jingchu was a pilot, and she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Chen Jiayu also smiled and stopped talking.

Kong Xinyi raised her head, took a step closer, and asked him, "By the way, can I call you Brother Jia? I think everyone calls you that." When she said this, she brushed her hair, eyes wide, The smile is gentle.

Chen Jiayu was a well-rounded person and guessed what she was thinking. He just nodded and said: "Yes, everything is fine."

Seeing that he answered in the affirmative, Kong Xinyi asked boldly: "Then, would it be convenient to add me as a friend? If I have a chance, I'll treat you to dinner."

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